Advocacy Archives

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1210, 2020

2017 CBO Report On The Impact of ACA Repeal

By |October 12th, 2020|Categories: Administration, Administration, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Health, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, Legislation, People, Protecting Youth & Families, Research|

In early 2017, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released an analysis, How Repealing Portions of the Affordable Care Act Would Affect Health Insurance Coverage and Premiums that detailed the impact of an ACA repeal. The report

1210, 2020

Leaked I.G. Report Details Strategy to Separate Children at Border

By |October 12th, 2020|Categories: Administration, Administration, Children's Monitor, Early Childhood, Family & Community Support, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, Immigration, Infants and Toddlers, Maltreatment Prevention, People, Permanency, Protecting Youth & Families, State|

According to an October 7, 2020 report in the New York Times, an upcoming Inspector General (IG)’s report will show that top Justice Department Officials, in May 2018, including the Attorney General Jeff Sessions and

1210, 2020

HUD Expands the Foster Youth to Independence Initiative

By |October 12th, 2020|Categories: Administration, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, Older Youth, People, Protecting Youth & Families, State, Youth, Youth Services|

On Tuesday, October 6, HUD’s Secretary Ben Carson issued a notice expanding the Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) program to reach more youth aging out of foster care.

510, 2020

ACA Repeal: Why A Stand-Alone Pre-existing Condition Law Does Not Protect People

By |October 5th, 2020|Categories: Administration, Administration, Advocacy, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Health, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Legislation, Maltreatment Prevention, Placement & Permanency, Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Race, Culture & Identity, Research, Senate Legislation, State, Youth, Youth Services|

One of the most popular provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is that part of the law that prohibits insurance companies from denying health insurance coverage because a patient has

510, 2020

House Offers Another COVID-19 Relief Bill

By |October 5th, 2020|Categories: Administration, Administration, Adoption, Advocacy, Budget, Budget Policy, Child Abuse, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Children's Monitor, Education, Family & Community Support, General, Grants, Health, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Kinship Care, Legislation, Out-of-Home Care, People, Permanency, Placement & Permanency, Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Reunification, Senate Legislation, State|

On Thursday, October 1, 2020, the House approved a $2.2 trillion COVID-19 relief bill representing a reduction from their $3.2 trillion passed on May 15,

510, 2020

Mental Health Treatment Uneven for Adolescents

By |October 5th, 2020|Categories: Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, General, Health, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, Older Youth, People, Protecting Youth & Families, Research, Youth|

A study by PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences), Treatment of mental illness in American adolescents varies widely within and across areas,

510, 2020

Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect: Lessons Learned from Washington State’s Kinship Navigator Program

By |October 5th, 2020|Categories: Advocacy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, Kinship Care, Kinship Care, Older Youth, People, Permanency, Placement & Permanency, Protecting Youth & Families, Race, Culture & Identity, Research, State|

As part of CWLA’s pre-summit webinar series, Washington State’s Kinship Navigator Program shared modifications that were made to the enhanced model due to COVID and how the program has continued to

510, 2020

Housing and Child Welfare Partnerships Supporting Families in Crisis

By |October 5th, 2020|Categories: Advocacy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, Older Youth, Out-of-Home Care, People, Permanency, Placement & Permanency, Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Research, Reunification, State|

On Thursday, October 1, CWLA hosted a pre-summit webinar titled One Roof: Housing and Child Welfare Partnerships Supporting Families in Crisis with speakers from Corporation for

510, 2020

New Report Released on FAFSA & Homeless Youth During COVID-19

By |October 5th, 2020|Categories: Advocacy, Children's Monitor, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, Older Youth, People, Protecting Youth & Families, State, Youth, Youth Services|

In October 2020, SchoolHouse connection published a report, “FAFSA & Homeless Youth: Challenges + Recommendations in the COVID-19 Era,” regarding the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) among homeless youth during the COVID-19

510, 2020

Comparing the Foster Care Caseload of 423,000 Between 2009 and 2019

By |October 5th, 2020|Categories: Adoption, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, Kinship Care, Out-of-Home Care, Placement & Permanency, Protecting Youth & Families, Race, Culture & Identity, Reunification, State, Youth|

When the latest AFCARS data was released a few weeks ago, it allowed a unique opportunity to compare the last decade. The 

2809, 2020

District of Columbia Receives Family First Approval to Broadly Implement and Claim for Motivational Interviewing

By |September 28th, 2020|Categories: Administration, Adoption, Advocacy, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, Kinship Care, Out-of-Home Care, People, Permanency, Placement & Permanency, Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Research, Reunification, State, Youth|

Written by: Natalie Craver, Community Partnerships Administrator, District of Columbia’s Child and Family Services Agency and Katie Rollins, Senior Policy Analyst, Chapin Hall.

In September 2020, the District of Columbia’s Child and Family Services Agency

2809, 2020

Supreme Court Appointee Looms Large on Future of ACA

By |September 28th, 2020|Categories: Administration, Administration, Adoption, Advocacy, Child Abuse, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, General, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Kinship Care, Legislation, Maltreatment Prevention, Out-of-Home Care, People, Placement & Permanency, Protecting Youth & Families, Research, Reunification, Senate Legislation, State, Youth|

The Supreme Court, with either 8 or 9 members, has scheduled oral arguments on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act for November 10, 2020. This is a Supreme Court case that could strike down

2809, 2020

ACA Repeal: What We Told Congress

By |September 28th, 2020|Categories: Administration, Administration, Adoption, Advocacy, Budget, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Health, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Kinship Care, Legislation, Older Youth, Out-of-Home Care, People, Permanency, Placement & Permanency, Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Race, Culture & Identity, Research, Reunification, Senate Legislation, State|

When CWLA joined hundreds of organizations in defense of the Affordable Care Act in 2017 and 2018, we explained to Congress, and our members, why the ACA is vital to any efforts to reduce the

2809, 2020

Congress Acts on Continuing Resolution But No COVID-19

By |September 28th, 2020|Categories: Administration, Administration, Advocacy, Budget, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Education, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Legislation, People, Protecting Youth & Families, Senate Legislation, State|

Last week, Tuesday, September 22, 2020, the House of Representatives passed (HR 8337) and sent to the Senate a continuing resolution or CR that will keep the

2809, 2020

Senators Introduce Bill to Rebuild Child Care Infrastructure

By |September 28th, 2020|Categories: Advocacy, Budget, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Early Childhood, Education, Family & Community Support, General, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Infants and Toddlers, Legislation, People, Prevention, Senate Legislation, State|

On Thursday, September 24, Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden (D-OR), and Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH) introduced, Rebuilding a Better Child Care Infrastructure Act, a bill to make child

2809, 2020

National Foster Care Youth & Alumni Policy Council Release New Recommendations on Child Welfare Reform

By |September 28th, 2020|Categories: Adoption, Advocacy, Budget, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Kinship Care, Legislation, LGBTQ Issues in Child Welfare, Out-of-Home Care, People, Permanency, Placement & Permanency, Protecting Youth & Families, Race, Culture & Identity, Research, Reunification, Senate Legislation|

The National Foster Care Youth and Alumni Policy Council released a brief this month titled “A Historic Opportunity to Reform the Child Welfare System: Youth & Alumni Priorities on Special Populations.” This brief was meant to

2809, 2020

2019 Census Child Poverty Data and What COVID-19 Means for Kids

By |September 28th, 2020|Categories: Administration, Advocacy, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Home News, Infants and Toddlers, People, Race, Culture & Identity, Research, State|

Earlier this week, First Focus on Children co-hosted a webinar with the Children’s Defense Fund, and the Child Poverty Action Group on the topic of the 2019 Census Data released this month on child poverty.

2809, 2020

Supreme Court Appointee Looms Large on Future of Gender Discrimination

By |September 28th, 2020|Categories: Administration, Administration, Adoption, Advocacy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Legislation, LGBTQ Issues in Child Welfare, Older Youth, Out-of-Home Care, Permanency, Placement & Permanency, Protecting Youth & Families, Race, Culture & Identity, Research, State|

CWLA joined dozens of children’s groups and other advocates in filing an amicus brief in support of the City of Philadelphia in upholding their non-discrimination requirements in child placements. The case will be heard at

2109, 2020

Record Numbers Set for the 2019 Census Income and Poverty Data Prior to the Pandemic

By |September 21st, 2020|Categories: Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, General, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, People, Race, Culture & Identity, Research, State|

On Tuesday, September 15, the U.S. Census Bureau released new data on income and poverty in the United States for 2019. According to the data, the median household income shows the highest on record number and

2109, 2020

New Census Data Shows Millions of Americans Without Health Insurance Coverage Before the Pandemic

By |September 21st, 2020|Categories: Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Health, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, Protecting Youth & Families, Race, Culture & Identity, State|

The U.S. Census Bureau released their annual data on health insurance coverage in the U.S., indicating that 26.1 million (8%) Americans did not have health insurance at any point in 2019. Although 92 percent of Americans

2109, 2020

Mixed Messages on COVID-19 Relief

By |September 21st, 2020|Categories: Administration, Administration, Advocacy, Budget, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Legislation, Protecting Youth & Families, Senate Legislation|

On Tuesday, September 15, 2020, the House “Problem Solvers Caucus,” a collection of House Democrats and Republicans, released their compromise COVID-19 relief framework. The framework proposes a bill that would total approximately $1.5 trillion with

2109, 2020

More Report of Immigrant Abuse By Homeland Security

By |September 21st, 2020|Categories: Administration, Administration, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, Immigration, Maltreatment Prevention, People, Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Race, Culture & Identity|

On Wednesday, September 16, 2020, several publications printed reports of immigrant detainee abuse at Homeland Security facilities including the possibility of unapproved hysterectomies on women being held at the facility. The reports and recent court



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