Advocacy Archives

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2402, 2020

Federal Reserve Chair Rejects Idea that Public Assistance is Holding People from Work Participation

By |February 24th, 2020|Categories: Children's Monitor, General, Home News, People, Race, Culture & Identity, Research, Senate Legislation|

On Wednesday, February 12, 2020, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell challenged the theory that our “generous” public assistance programs were encouraging able-bodied adults to stay out of the workforce. The comments came during a

2402, 2020

Administration Budget Proposal for Juvenile Justice Programs

By |February 24th, 2020|Categories: Administration, Administration, Advocacy, Budget, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Juvenile Justice, Legislation, Protecting Youth & Families, Senate Legislation, State, Youth, Youth Services|

In the Administration’s FY 2021, the Department of Justice requested $227.5 million in discretionary funding for the Juvenile Justice Programs, a decrease of $92.5 million below the FY 2020 Enacted level. Despite the recent reauthorization

1802, 2020

Administration Budget Sets Up Cuts And Debates for 2020

By |February 18th, 2020|Categories: Administration, Administration, Adoption, Budget, Budget Policy, Child Abuse, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Children's Monitor, Early Childhood, Education, Family & Community Support, General, Grants, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Kinship Care, Legislation, Maltreatment Prevention, Older Youth, Out-of-Home Care, People, Permanency, Placement & Permanency, Protecting Youth & Families, Research, Reunification, Senate Legislation, State|

The Administration released its FY 2021 budget on Monday, February 10, 2020. This year’s budget, A Budget for America’s Future, proposes a number of human service cuts and human service funding increases but overall includes

1802, 2020

Administration Proposes Changes to Family First Act

By |February 18th, 2020|Categories: Administration, Administration, Adoption, Advocacy, Budget, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Kinship Care, Legislation, Out-of-Home Care, Permanency, Placement & Permanency, Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Research, Reunification, Senate Legislation, State|

The Administration’s budget proposes a clarification under the Family First Act, the relationship between al Qualified Residential Treatment Programs (QRTP), and the definition of Institutions for Mental Diseases (IMD) under the Medicaid program.

Additionally, the Administration

1802, 2020

CAPTA and Adoption Programs Not Targeted For Reductions

By |February 18th, 2020|Categories: Administration, Administration, Adoption, Budget, Budget Policy, Child Abuse, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Children's Monitor, Early Childhood, Family & Community Support, Grants, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Infants and Toddlers, Legislation, Maltreatment Prevention, Older Youth, People, Placement & Permanency, Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Senate Legislation, State|

The Administration proposes the same level of funding for the two CAPTA-related grants for FY 2021 with an increase in one of the grants. State Grants would be funded at $90 million, Community-Based Child Abuse

1802, 2020

Administration Proposes Billions in Medicaid Cuts

By |February 18th, 2020|Categories: Administration, Administration, Advocacy, Budget, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Health, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Legislation, Protecting Youth & Families, Senate Legislation|

Building on their Thursday, January 30, 2020, their Medicaid Healthy Adult Opportunity waiver proposal, the Administration proposes cuts to Medicaid of $920 billion over the next ten years. The reductions are the result of

1802, 2020

Administration Proposes Elimination of SSBG and Cuts to TANF

By |February 18th, 2020|Categories: Administration, Advocacy, Budget, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Home News, House legislation, Legislation, Out-of-Home Care, People, Placement & Permanency, Protecting Youth & Families, Senate Legislation, State|

The President’s budget again proposes the elimination of the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG), eliminating the $1.7 billion entitlement fund to states. They recommend keeping in place the SSBG law to allow the use of

1802, 2020

Administration Proposes to End the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program

By |February 18th, 2020|Categories: Administration, Budget, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Education, Home News, House legislation, People, Senate Legislation|

With the $5.6 billion cuts to the Department of Education, the Administration’s proposal for the fiscal year 2021 included eliminating the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program. In 2007, the Bush Administration created the PSLF

1802, 2020

Child Poverty in Puerto Rico

By |February 18th, 2020|Categories: Administration, Administration, Advocacy, Budget, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, People, Protecting Youth & Families, Senate Legislation|

On Tuesday, February 11, 2020, the Youth Development Institute of Puerto Rico (Instituto del Desarrollo de la Juventud, IDJ), held a briefing entitled A Future of Child Poverty in Puerto Rico: How Much it Costs

1002, 2020

“Did You See Him?”: Poverty in America

By |February 10th, 2020|Categories: Administration, Administration, Advocacy, Budget, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, General, Grants, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, People, Protecting Youth & Families, Race, Culture & Identity, Research, State|

Series of Hearings on Administration Actions that Threaten the Welfare of Children

On February 5 and 6, 2020, four subcommittees of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform held four hearings to

1002, 2020

A Threat to America’s Children: The Trump Administration’s Proposal to Gut Fair Housing Accountability

By |February 10th, 2020|Categories: Administration, Administration, Advocacy, Budget, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Grants, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, People, Protecting Youth & Families, Research, State|

On Wednesday, February 5, the Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties held a hearing titled “A Threat to America’s Children: The Trump Administration’s Proposal to Gut Fair Housing Accountability.” The hearing focused on how

1002, 2020

A Threat to America’s Children: The Trump Administration’s Proposed Changes to SNAP

By |February 10th, 2020|Categories: Administration, Administration, Advocacy, Budget, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Early Childhood, Family & Community Support, Health, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, Infants and Toddlers, People, Protecting Youth & Families, State|

On Thursday, February 6, 2020, the Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy, held a hearing entitled A Threat to America’s Children: The Trump Administration’s Proposed Changes to Broad-Based Categorical Eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance

1002, 2020

Solving America’s Child Care Crisis

By |February 10th, 2020|Categories: Advocacy, Budget, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Grants, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Infants and Toddlers, Legislation, People, Protecting Youth & Families, Research, Senate Legislation, State|

On Thursday, February 6, the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary hearing, “Solving America’s Child Care Crisis: Supporting Parents, Children, and the Economy” sought understanding from a panel of experts regarding how the federal

302, 2020

Administration Moves on Optional Medicaid Block Grant

By |February 3rd, 2020|Categories: Administration, Administration, Advocacy, Budget, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Health, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Legislation, Older Youth, People, Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Research, Senate Legislation, State, Youth, Youth Services|

On Thursday, January 30, the Trump Administration followed up on last week’s reports with their Medicaid Healthy Adult Opportunity proposal. The announcement came through CMS Administrator Seem Verma with careful avoidance of using the

302, 2020

Over 1.5 Million School Children Reported Homeless

By |February 3rd, 2020|Categories: Advocacy, Budget, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Legislation, Older Youth, People, Protecting Youth & Families|

On Wednesday, January 29, the National Center for Homeless Education, which is funded by the Department of Education, released the federal education data showing the highest number ever of 1.5 million public school children

302, 2020

ACA Path to Full Coverage Outlined

By |February 3rd, 2020|Categories: Administration, Administration, Advocacy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Health, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, People, Research, State|

Last week, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a key Obama Administration advisor on health care reform, described how several states, using the ACA, have achieved near-universal coverage. At the same time, the Trump Administration moved forward on

302, 2020

Maternal and Infant Health Crisis in America

By |February 3rd, 2020|Categories: Administration, Administration, Budget, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Health, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Infants and Toddlers, Legislation, People, Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Research, Senate Legislation, State|

On Tuesday, January 28, two subcommittees of the House Committee on Education and Labor, the Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and the Subcommittee on Pensions and Workforce Protections conducted a hearing entitled Expecting More: Addressing

302, 2020

NIH Study Finds Prenatal Smoking and Drinking Increase Risk for SIDS

By |February 3rd, 2020|Categories: Children's Monitor, Early Childhood, Family & Community Support, Health, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, Infants and Toddlers, Protecting Youth & Families, Research|

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Prevention found that in 2017 there were 1,400 deaths sue to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in the United States. SIDS is the leading cause of postneonatal mortality, with

302, 2020

Trump Administration ‘Public Charge’ Immigration Rule Goes Into Effect

By |February 3rd, 2020|Categories: Administration, Administration, Advocacy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, Immigration, People, Protecting Youth & Families, Race, Culture & Identity, State|

On Monday, January 21, the Supreme Court Justices voted 5-4 to allow the Trump Administration to start enforcing a rule that would make it harder for immigrants to obtain green cards and access government aid

302, 2020

House Debate Paid Family and Medical Leave

By |February 3rd, 2020|Categories: Advocacy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Legislation, People, Prevention, Research, Senate Legislation, State|

On Tuesday, January 28, the House Committee on Ways and Means held a hearing on the Legislative Proposals for Paid Family and Medical Leave. The hearing focused on the bipartisan Family and Medical Insurance

302, 2020

HHS Seeking Advice: Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

By |February 3rd, 2020|Categories: Administration, Advocacy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Home News, Kinship Care, Kinship Care, Older, Out-of-Home Care, People, Placement & Permanency, Protecting Youth & Families, State|

The Administration for Community Living is seeking input by Friday, February 7, 2020.

The Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Act, passed in 2018, established an Advisory Council to Support Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. That Council is



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