Advocacy Archives

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1211, 2018

State Initiatives Expand the ACA Coverage, Governors Could Add More

By |November 12th, 2018|Categories: Administration, Administration, Advocacy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Health, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Legislation, People, Protecting Youth & Families, Senate Legislation|

Election day brought about one of the biggest single day state expansions of the ACA with voters in three states approving Medicaid expansion under the ACA and some new governors could push for more after

1211, 2018

Ninth Circuit Court Upholds DACA

By |November 12th, 2018|Categories: Administration, Administration, Advocacy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Immigration, Legislation, Older Youth, People, Protecting Youth & Families, Race, Culture & Identity, Senate Legislation, State|

On Thursday, November 8, the Ninth Circuit Court in California left in place a nationwide injunction keeping the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program alive. The Court, responding to an action led by the

511, 2018

CWLA Submits Comments Opposing Flores Regulation

By |November 5th, 2018|Categories: Administration, Administration, Advocacy, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Home News, House legislation, Immigration, Infants and Toddlers, Legislation, People, Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Race, Culture & Identity, Senate Legislation, State, Youth|

On Monday, October 29, CWLA submitted comments on the Administration’s proposed regulation that would overturn or supersede the 1997 Flores settlement.

On Friday, September 7, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Health

2210, 2018

District Court Ruling Threatens ICWA

By |October 22nd, 2018|Categories: Adoption, Advocacy, Child Abuse, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Children's Monitor, Disproportionality, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Indian Child Welfare, Indian Child Welfare, Kinship Care, Legislation, Out-of-Home Care, People, Permanency, Placement & Permanency, Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Race, Culture & Identity, Reunification, Senate Legislation, State|

On October 4, a ruling by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Brackeen V Zinke, Judge Reed O’Connor ruled that the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) is unconstitutional in its

2210, 2018

Low Wage Workers and the Role of Anti-Poverty Programs

By |October 22nd, 2018|Categories: Administration, Administration, Advocacy, Budget, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Health, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Legislation, People, Protecting Youth & Families, Research, State|

Shaquita Ogleetree
On October 15, the Hamilton Project, the Brookings Institution and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities co-hosted a forum to explore work requirements and the role of anti-poverty programs. The Hamilton Project released

810, 2018

New Report Grades States on Access to Mental Health

By |October 8th, 2018|Categories: Advocacy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Health, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Legislation, People, Permanency, Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Research, Senate Legislation, State|

On Wednesday, October 3, a new report was released, Evaluating State Mental Health and Addiction Parity Statutes: A Technical Report, ranking the fifty states A through F on whether or not they are providing

810, 2018

Details on SUPPORT Act (Opioids Legislation)

By |October 8th, 2018|Categories: Administration, Advocacy, Children's Monitor, Health, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Infants and Toddlers, Legislation, Maltreatment Prevention, Out-of-Home Care, Permanency, Placement & Permanency, Research, Senate Legislation, State|

The Senate approved the Substance Use–Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities Act’’ or the ‘‘SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act’’ or HR 6 on Wednesday, October 3 by

810, 2018

Panel Discusses Progress on Education and Children in Foster Care

By |October 8th, 2018|Categories: Children's Monitor, Early Childhood, Education, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Legislation, Older Youth, Out-of-Home Care, People, Permanency, Placement & Permanency, Protecting Youth & Families, Research, Senate Legislation, State, Youth, Youth Services|

Shaquita Ogletree
On Monday, October 1, the Senate Caucus on Foster Youth held a congressional briefing to discuss the Every Student Success Act (ESSA) and School Stability for Foster Youth. According to the most recent report

810, 2018

Budget Summit on Children

By |October 8th, 2018|Categories: Administration, Administration, Advocacy, Budget, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Early Childhood, Family & Community Support, General, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Maltreatment Prevention, People, Research, Senate Legislation, State|

Shaquita Ogletree
On Thursday, October 4, First Focus hosted their annual event, Children’s Budget Summit to discuss the findings in the Children’s Budget 2018 report. The report captures and analyzes historical funding data and spending trends

110, 2018

Congress OKs Appropriations, President Signs

By |October 1st, 2018|Categories: Administration, Administration, Adoption, Budget, Budget Policy, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Children's Monitor, Early Childhood, Home News, House legislation, Kinship Care, Legislation, Maltreatment Prevention, Placement & Permanency, Protecting Youth & Families, Senate Legislation|

Last week the House of Representatives approved the Defense and Labor-HHS-Education appropriations bill (HR 6157) by a vote of 361 to 61. The President signed the legislation on Friday afternoon. By doing that he

110, 2018

Puerto Rico Looking For Help for Families and Children One Year Later

By |October 1st, 2018|Categories: Administration, Administration, Budget, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Education, Family & Community Support, Grants, Home News, Legislation, People, Protecting Youth & Families, Race, Culture & Identity, State|

On Tuesday, September 23, a number of panelists addressed a Capitol Hill crowd on, One Year after Maria: How Children in Puerto Rico are Faring One Year After. The discussion highlighted how Hurricane Maria, one

110, 2018

Medicaid for Former Foster Youth to Age 26 Gets Fixed, So Does JJ Medicaid

By |October 1st, 2018|Categories: Children's Monitor, Health, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Legislation, Older Youth, Out-of-Home Care, People, Placement & Permanency, Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Senate Legislation, State, Youth, Youth Services|

The agreed to legislation on opioids (see below), HR 6, fixes a glitch in the ACA that mandates that any young person that ages out of foster care is covered by Medicaid to age 26.

110, 2018

New Foundation Seeks to Address Child Abuse Prevention

By |October 1st, 2018|Categories: Advocacy, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Children's Monitor, Education, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, Infants and Toddlers, Maltreatment Prevention, People, Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Research|

The National Foundation to End Child Abuse and Neglect held a press conference on Tuesday, September 25, at the National Press Club to announce their formation and the kick off of their campaign to take

110, 2018

Capitol Hill Briefing Exposes the Problems Created By Gender Discrimination

By |October 1st, 2018|Categories: Administration, Adoption, Advocacy, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Legislation, Older Youth, Out-of-Home Care, People, Permanency, Placement & Permanency, Protecting Youth & Families, Research, Senate Legislation, State, Youth, Youth Services|

CWLA joined a number of groups including American Unity Fund, Family Equality Council, FosterClub, Human Rights Campaign, Lambda Legal, National Association of Social Workers, PFLAG National and Voice for Adoption to sponsor a Senate and

110, 2018

House and Senate Agrees to Opioids Legislation

By |October 1st, 2018|Categories: Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Health, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Legislation, Maltreatment Prevention, Older Youth, Out-of-Home Care, Permanency, Placement & Permanency, Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Research, Senate Legislation, State|

The House and Senate agreed to the Substance Use–Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities Act’’ or the ‘‘SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act’’ or HR 6.

The House has

2409, 2018

Subcommittee Releases Hearing Question and Transcript on Family First Act

By |September 24th, 2018|Categories: Administration, Administration, Adoption, Advocacy, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Children's Monitor, Home News, House legislation, Kinship Care, Out-of-Home Care, People, Permanency, Placement & Permanency, Protecting Youth & Families|

Last Thursday, the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Human Resources posted a transcript of the July 24, hearing update on implementation of the Family First Act along with a joint letter highlighting a

2409, 2018

Adoption-Kinship Incentive Funds Released: Largest Ever

By |September 24th, 2018|Categories: Administration, Adoption, Advocacy, Budget, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Grants, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, Kinship Care, Older Youth, Permanency, Placement & Permanency, Protecting Youth & Families|


Last week, HHS released data on the Adoption-Kinship Incentives awards for FY 2018 (based on FY 2017 data) and the total awarded was $64 million. The $64 million is the largest awards ever provided

2409, 2018

IG Report: Treatment Planning & Medication Monitoring Lacking Foster Care

By |September 24th, 2018|Categories: Administration, Administration, Child Abuse, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Children's Monitor, Health, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, Maltreatment Prevention, Older Youth, Out-of-Home Care, People, Permanency, Placement & Permanency, Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Youth, Youth Services|

A new report by the HHS Inspector General (IG), released last week, Treatment Planning and Medication Monitoring Were Lacking for Children in Foster Care Receiving Psychotropic Medication was critical of health care services and

2409, 2018

NIH Focus: Alcohol Use Disorder Still Significant Issue

By |September 24th, 2018|Categories: Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Health, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, Maltreatment Prevention, People, Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Research|

Shaquita Ogletree
The NIH hosted a special screening on Tuesday, September 18, in Washington on Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) based on an HBO Documentary, Risky Drinking. The documentary is a product of Oscar and Emmy winner

2409, 2018

Fate of Farm Bill May Wait For Lame-Duck Session

By |September 24th, 2018|Categories: Administration, Administration, Advocacy, Budget, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Home News, House legislation, People, Protecting Youth & Families, Senate Legislation|

Negotiations continued last week on the farm bill with the houses divided. Its possible Congress could delay a final deal until a post-election “lame-duck” session. (Lame duck because several legislators will be at the end



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