Advocacy Archives

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406, 2018

Three Child Welfare-Opioids Bills Part of Senate Package

By |June 4th, 2018|Categories: Advocacy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Health, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Infants and Toddlers, Kinship Care, Kinship Care, Legislation, Out-of-Home Care, People, Permanency, Placement & Permanency, Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Research, Senate Legislation|

On May 23, shortly before the Memorial Day break, the Senate Finance Committee announced a package of 22 bills, (including three on child welfare) that attempt to address the opioid crisis. The bill mainly address

406, 2018

Kinship Briefing on Navigator Programs

By |June 4th, 2018|Categories: Administration, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Kinship Care, Legislation, Permanency, Placement & Permanency, Protecting Youth & Families, Senate Legislation, Youth, Youth Services|

Shaquita Ogletree
The Congressional Foster Youth Caucus hosted a Kinship Navigator Programs Roundtable Discussion on May 23. Congressperson Karen Bass (D-CA), Congressman Tom Marino (R-PA) and Congressman Danny Davis (D-IL) all offered remarks before the panel

406, 2018

TANF Reauthorization Passes Committee, Floor Vote Unclear

By |June 4th, 2018|Categories: Budget, Children's Monitor, General, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Kinship Care, Legislation, Out-of-Home Care, People, Placement & Permanency, Protecting Youth & Families, Research, State|

On Wednesday, May 23 the House Ways and Means Committee held at markup of their TANF reauthorization bill, the JOBS bill (HR 5861) with a final vote of approval cast the following morning. Chairman

406, 2018

Health Solutions For Families Affected By Abuse and Other Trauma

By |June 4th, 2018|Categories: Advocacy, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, General, Health, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, Maltreatment Prevention, People, Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Research|

Shaquita Ogletree
The National Health Collaborative on Violence and Abuse (NHCVA) and Futures Without Violence sponsored a briefing last month, Health Solutions to Women, Children, and Families Affected by Trauma and Abuse.

The panel included the First

406, 2018

Youth Awareness and Prevention On Opioids

By |June 4th, 2018|Categories: Administration, Advocacy, Budget, Budget Policy, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, General, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Kinship Care, Legislation, Maltreatment Prevention, Older Youth, Out-of-Home Care, People, Permanency, Placement & Permanency, Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Research, Senate Legislation, State, Youth, Youth Services|

Shaquita Ogletree
On May 22, the Hill newspaper sponsored another of their series of forums on opioids, America’s Opioid Epidemic: Youth Awareness & Prevention.

Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) spoke about her state having the highest opioid

2105, 2018

Kinship Navigator Funds Released

By |May 21st, 2018|Categories: Budget, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Grants, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Indian Child Welfare, Kinship Care, Kinship Care, Legislation, Permanency, Placement & Permanency, Research, Senate Legislation, State|

The Children’s Bureau has released instructions (ACYF-CB-PI-18-05) on how states can draw down $20 million in FY 2018 Kinship Navigator funds.

The $20 million was added as part of the March-approved FY 2018 appropriations bills.

2105, 2018

TANF Reauthorization Likely Scheduled for Wednesday Vote

By |May 21st, 2018|Categories: Administration, Advocacy, Budget, Children's Monitor, Education, Family & Community Support, General, Grants, Home News, House legislation, Kinship Care, Legislation, Out-of-Home Care, People, Placement & Permanency, Protecting Youth & Families, State|

The House Ways and Means Committee has released for debate and vote a TANF reauthorization. It is anticipated that the vote will take place this Wednesday. The announcement of the latest bill came last Thursday

2105, 2018

Administration Looks to Military Bases to Separate Children from Families

By |May 21st, 2018|Categories: Administration, Administration, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, Immigration, Older Youth, People, Protecting Youth & Families, State, Youth|

A report by the Washington Post last week indicates that the Administration is preparing to use of military bases to hold immigrant children who are either unaccompanied minors or are being split apart from their

2105, 2018

House Republican Leaders Push Back on DACA

By |May 21st, 2018|Categories: Administration, Administration, Advocacy, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, General, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Immigration, Legislation, People, Protecting Youth & Families, Race, Culture & Identity, State, Youth Services|

Last Wednesday, May 16, House Republican leaders, led by Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) warned off members against a discharge vote on DACA. He told members in a closed door meeting that was widely reported

2105, 2018

HRC Releases Survey-Study of LGBTQ Youth

By |May 21st, 2018|Categories: Child Rights, Children's Monitor, Education, Family & Community Support, General, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, LGBTQ Issues in Child Welfare, Older Youth, People, Protecting Youth & Families, Race, Culture & Identity, Research, Youth, Youth Services|

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has released a 2018 LGBTQ Youth Report. The report is based on a survey of more than 12,000 young people aged 13 through 17. The survey was conducted in

2105, 2018

House Appropriations Adopts Funding Cuts To Juvenile Justice

By |May 21st, 2018|Categories: Budget, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Home News, House legislation, Juvenile Justice, Legislation, Older Youth, Placement & Permanency, Protecting Youth & Families, Senate Legislation, Youth Services|

Shaquita Ogletree
A House Appropriations Subcommittee approved a fiscal year 2019 Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS) Appropriations bill (32-19) last week. The bill contains $62.5 billion in total discretionary funding for CJS programs, an increase of $2.9

2105, 2018

Congressional Briefing: Connecting Children With Incarcerated Parents

By |May 21st, 2018|Categories: Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Home News, Juvenile Justice, Kinship Care, Out-of-Home Care, People, Placement & Permanency, Reunification, Uncategorized|

Shaquita Ogletree
On May 17, the National Prevention Science Coalition in partnership with the Office of Congressman Danny Davis (D-IL) hosted a briefing, Connecting Children with their Incarcerated Parents. The panel included Dr. Jennifer Cearley, Oregon

1405, 2018

Some House Republicans Push DACA Floor Vote

By |May 14th, 2018|Categories: Administration, Administration, Advocacy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Immigration, Legislation, People, Protecting Youth & Families, Race, Culture & Identity, Senate Legislation, State, Youth|

A handful of House Republicans led by Congressman Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) are attempting a long shot bid to force a vote on a DACA bill. The long shot is that they are using a seldom

1405, 2018

House Committee Unveils TANF Reauthorization

By |May 14th, 2018|Categories: Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, General, Grants, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Legislation, Protecting Youth & Families|

The House Ways and Means Human Resources Subcommittee held a hearing, “Jobs and Opportunity: Legislative Options to Address the Jobs Gap,” with the purpose to unveil a TANF reauthorization. The reauthorization of the Temporary Assistance

1405, 2018

Helping Children of Incarcerated Parents and Children in Foster Care

By |May 14th, 2018|Categories: Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, Juvenile Justice, Older Youth, Out-of-Home Care, People, Permanency, Placement & Permanency, Protecting Youth & Families, Research, Reunification, Youth, Youth Services|

Shaquita Ogletree
The Brookings Institution hosted a briefing for the release of the latest issue of the Future of Children, “Reducing Justice Inequality” with a policy brief – “Helping Children with Parents in Prison and Children

1405, 2018

Dr Phil Addresses House Caucus While Committee Moves Opioids Bills

By |May 14th, 2018|Categories: Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Legislation, Out-of-Home Care, People, Placement & Permanency, Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Research, Senate Legislation|

On Wednesday, May 9, Dr. Phil McGraw was the featured speaker at a briefing co-hosted by several congressional caucuses including the Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth, Senate Caucus on Foster Youth, Congressional Social Work

1405, 2018

CWLA Joins Groups Opposing DOJ Efforts to Remove LGBTQ Data

By |May 14th, 2018|Categories: Administration, Administration, Advocacy, Children's Monitor, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, Juvenile Justice, LGBTQ Issues in Child Welfare, Older, Older Youth, People, Placement & Permanency, Protecting Youth & Families, Youth Services|


CWLA has joined several other groups in a letter and opposition to the Department of Justice (DOJ) proposal to eliminate some important new criminal justice data. The Bureau of Justice Statistics’ (BJS) has proposed the

1405, 2018

Administration Sends Rescission, Rumblings on Cuts in HHS

By |May 14th, 2018|Categories: Administration, Administration, Budget, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, General, Health, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Home News, House legislation, Legislation, Senate Legislation|

The Administration has sent up their package of rescissions totaling approximately $15 billion. The proposal, which must be acted on by appropriations committees to become effective, largely targets funds that have not yet spent. The

705, 2018

House Takes On Tougher Work Requirements in Range of Anti-Poverty Programs

By |May 7th, 2018|Categories: Administration, Administration, Budget, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Children's Monitor, Early Childhood, Education, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Legislation, Maltreatment Prevention, Older Youth, Out-of-Home Care, People, Placement & Permanency, Protecting Youth & Families, State|

With less than three weeks before the Memorial Day break, the House majority is preparing to use the less than 14 legislative days to flex their muscle with a range of new work requirements in

705, 2018

CWLA Joins Onto Opposition to House SNAP Legislation

By |May 7th, 2018|Categories: Administration, Administration, Advocacy, Budget, Budget Policy, Children's Monitor, Early Childhood, Family & Community Support, General, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, House legislation, Legislation, Maltreatment Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Research, State|

The Child Welfare League of America has joined onto opposition to H.R. 2, an agriculture reauthorization bill that extends nutrition programs including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) program. The letter CWLA has signed

705, 2018

Administration May Be Succeeding In Reducing Insurance Coverage

By |May 7th, 2018|Categories: Administration, Administration, Children's Monitor, Family & Community Support, Health, Health Care, Healthy Growth & Development, Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare, Home News, People, Permanency, Prevention, Protecting Youth & Families, Research, State|

The Commonwealth Fund released findings last Tuesday, May 1 that the increased health insurance coverage under the ACA may be going in reverse. There new survey indicates that the uninsured rate is now 15.5 percent,

705, 2018

One States Deep Dive Into Caseload Highlights Significant Re-entries

By |May 7th, 2018|Categories: Adoption, Children's Monitor, Disproportionality, Family & Community Support, Healthy Growth & Development, Home News, Indian Child Welfare, Indian Child Welfare, Kinship Care, Out-of-Home Care, People, Permanency, Placement & Permanency, Protecting Youth & Families, Race, Culture & Identity, Research, Reunification, State, Youth|

In March the Nebraska Foster Care Review Office (FCRO) issued their quarterly report that took an up-close look at children that re-enter foster care. In that closer look at the children and youth in foster



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