
About John Sciamanna

John Sciamanna is CWLA's Vice President of Public Policy.

House Ways and Means Hears Testimony from Mothers on Paid Leave and Child Care

On Wednesday, April 21, 2021, the House Ways and Means Committee held a hearing entitled ‘In Their Own Words: Paid Leave, Child Care, And An Economy That Failed Women.’ The hearing showcased stories of struggles experienced by working moms before and during the pandemic.   House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA) began

Cornyn Block CMS Nomination

Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) is holding up Senate confirmation of President Biden’s nominee to head up the Centers on Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), Chiquita Brooks-LaSure. Senator Cornyn’s action comes in response to the Administration’s withdrawal of a Texas Medicaid waiver that had been approved shortly before the expiration of the Trump Administration. Under the 50-50

State of Babies Yearbook 2021 Baby Summit

On Thursday, April 22, 2021, Zero to Three held the State of Babies Summit to release the State of Babies Yearbook: 2021, which shows that even before the economic and social fallout of COVID-19, the babies of our nation did not have the supports needed to thrive. The pandemic has only further exacerbated disparities that affect

Stimulus Check Outreach & CTC Preparation for Hard-to-reach Populations

Last year, CWLA joined hundreds of organizations to engage in the vitally important and difficult task of helping households who don't usually file a tax return get their stimulus checks. According to the U.S. Treasury, about 8 million eligible families have not received the first stimulus check.    Today, those eligible people haven't gotten their

The New Deal to End Youth Homelessness: Child & Well Being Justice

A Way Home America is a national initiative to build the movement to prevent and end homelessness among young people. The New Deal to End Youth Homelessness is a federal policy proposal that offers a roadmap to transform how young people, particularly Black, Brown, Indigenous, and LGBTQ young people, are supported in our society. The

Becerra Testifies on HHS Appropriations

On Thursday, April 15, 2021, the House Subcommittee on Appropriations for the departments of Labor-HHS-Education heard testimony from the new HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. The testimony builds on the previous week's White House overview of the FY 2022 appropriations. The House focused several Thursday hearings on the FY 2022 appropriations meaning we are now in the full

The IRS is on Track with July 1st Implementation of Monthly CTC Payments

On Tuesday, April 13, 2021, the U.S. Senate Finance Committee hearing, the 2021 Filing Season and 21st Century IRS called IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig to testify on the 2021 tax filing season. His comments included positive news on the Child Tax Credit. (CTC)   Chairman Ron Wyden's (D-OR) opening statement emphasized that 2021 is not a typical

Administration Releases Child Care Funding From March Rescue Plan

On Thursday, April 15, 2021, the Biden Administration announced the release of $39 billion in child care funding resulting from the March passage of the American Rescue Plan. The allocations for the states found here are divided between $14.9 billion in flexible funds and $23.9 billion in stabilization funding. They also announced that they would provide guidance to

New Study Examines Child Care Services on Family Income

Last week two organizations released a new study, “A Lifetimes Worth of Benefits,” a report that details the effects of quality child care on family income, the gender gap, and women’s retirement security. The report, authored by the National Women’s Law Center and the Center on Poverty and Social Policy at Columbia University, analyzed the

Multi-Ethnic Placement Act (MEPA) Reforms on the Agenda

Recently Bethany Christian Services released a report detailing what their agencies have learned over this past year due to the pandemic. The report includes a number of observations and some proposed reforms. One of those reforms is a revaluation of a 1994 law called the Multi-Ethic Placement Act (MEPA) and, more specifically, a rollback of changes made

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