
About Kati Mapa

Kati Mapa is CWLA's Director of Public Policy.

Shutdown Looms in Final Week of Fiscal Year

Congress has just five days to negotiate and pass a bill to continue to fund the government after the end of the fiscal year on September 30th, 2023. Last weekend, leadership of both the House Freedom Caucus and House Main Street Caucus released a stopgap proposal, or continuing resolution (CR) that would temporarily fund the

Children are not for Sale – Global Efforts to Address Child Trafficking

On September 14th, 2023, The House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee, Global Health, Global Human Rights and International Organizations held a hearing to assess the measures in place that protect vulnerable populations from human trafficking and to understand actions that should be taken by Congress to end human trafficking and the exploitation of children worldwide. Chairman of

Senate HELP Moves Three Bills on Maternal and Pediatric Health

The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) convened for votes on multiple bills relating to medical research, funding and programs. Three bills were passed together, the PREEMIE Reauthorization Act, the Preventing Maternal Deaths Reauthorization Act and the Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act 2.0. These bills were voted out of committee by

Childcare Since the Pandemic: Macroeconomic Impacts

On September 20th, 2023, the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Subcommittee hosted a hearing entitled “Childcare Since the Pandemic: Macroeconomic Impacts of Public Policy Measures.” Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) lead the meeting, joined by Senator John Kennedy (R-LA). Senator Warren started with how broken the childcare system in the United States is following the

CWLA Endorses: Bills to Support Children and Families

Child Poverty Reduction Act On September 21, 2023, Representative Danny K. Davis (D-IL), Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA), Representative Gerald E. Connolly (D-VA), Representative Sara Jacobs (D-CA), and U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) introduced the Child Poverty Reduction Act of 2023 to commit the nation to cutting child poverty by half in 5 years and to

CWLA Statement on the Creation of the Office of Gun Violence Prevention

On Friday, September 22, President Biden announced the creation of the Office of Gun Violence Prevention. CWLA President & CEO, Christine James-Brown, released the following statement: “As an organization with more than a century-long commitment to increasing the safety and well-being of families and communities, we at the Child Welfare League of America know the

First Focus Releases 2023 Children’s Budget Book

On Friday, September 22, 2023, First Focus on Children released its annual Children’s Budget Book in a live event hosted by the Senate Budget Committee. Chairman Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) opened the event, stating, “there is no better investment the Federal government can make than in children and families. We save $7 for every $1 we

Child Poverty More than Doubled in 2022

On September 11, 2023, the United States Census Bureau released Poverty in the United States: 2022, the annual report that measures the economic wellbeing of households, families, and individuals in the United States. This report provides estimates of two measures of poverty: the official poverty measure and the Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM); the SPM is

House Hearing on Child Trafficking

On September 14th, 2023, The House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance held a hearing to examine child sex trafficking, the increase in child sexual abuse materials (CSAM) online, and how social media and big tech companies perpetuate these issues within the United States and around the world. The hearing began with an

Child Care Stabilization Act Introduced

On September 13, 2023, Representatives Katherine Clark (D-MA), Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), Bobby Scott (D-VA), Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR), Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ), Sara Jacobs (D-CA), Jimmy Gomez (D-CA), and Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) and Senators Patty Murray (D-WA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) introduced the Child Care Stabilization Act to extend vital federal child care stabilization funding, which is

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