
About Kati Mapa

Kati Mapa is CWLA's Director of Public Policy.

Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Continues Foster Care Hearings

On Thursday, December 14, 2023, the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Human Rights and the Law held it’s fourth hearing on foster care as part of the bipartisan inquiry into Georgia’s child welfare system. Subcommittee Chairman Jon Ossoff (D-GA) opened the hearing by reminding those in the room that “we are talking about the most vulnerable

Point-In-Time Count Report Shows Increase in Homelessness

On December 15, 2023, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released it’s 2023 Annual Homeless Assessment Report: Part 1: Point-in-Time Estimates, which is an annual snapshot of the number of individuals in shelters, temporary housing, and in unsheltered settings. The report found more than 650,000 people were experiencing homelessness on a single night

State of LGBTQ+ Inclusion in Child Welfare: Report

Human Rights Campaign (HRC) announced the release of the All Children - All Families team's latest report, The State of LGBTQ+ Inclusion in Child Welfare. As is highlighted in the report, we are ecstatic to announce that the ACAF program reached a record-breaking 172 child welfare agencies employing over 30,500 professionals and serving more than

Congress Stalls on Taxes and Appropriations

With only one work week left in the first year of the 118th Congress, lawmakers have stalled on a number of top priorities, including appropriations and a forthcoming tax package, as well as supplemental funding for both foreign and domestic policies. On the tax policy front, there continues to be talk about a bipartisan package

CWLA Endorses: Poverty Line Act

On December 6, 2023, Representative Kevin Mullin (D-CA) introduced the Poverty Line Act, which would update the way the Federal government calculates the federal poverty line by accounting for real costs and adjusting for regional differences. This would make millions more families eligible for safety net programs such as Medicaid, SNAP (food stamps), LIHEAP (energy

Providing Care for the Care Workforce

The National Women’s Law Center, held a webinar on December 4th entitled, “Providing Care for the Care Workforce - How Kentucky is Supporting Early Educators,” to discuss Kentucky’s strategy to eliminate childcare staffing shortages by giving childcare workers free childcare for their children. Across the country, 50% of the childcare workforce qualifies for assistance to

Spotlight on Poverty: Bipartisanship

On December 5, 2023, Spotlight on Poverty & Opportunity hosted a briefing, “Family Economic Mobility: Finding Bipartisan Pathways to Support Pro-Family Policies,” on Capitol Hill that featured Senators Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA). They highlighted the Connected MOM Act, which would allow expectant mothers to receive medical monitoring remotely during their pregnancies, and

The Administration: Behavioral Health and Child Welfare

On November 8, 2023, the Assistant Secretary of Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) published a new brief, “Behavioral Health Diagnoses and Treatment Services for Children Involved with the Child Welfare System.“ ASPE found that nationally, more than 40 percent of children involved with the child welfare system -- including children and youth in foster care as

Child Welfare Bills Move Forward

On November 30, 2023, the House Ways and Means Committee held a markup to examine HR 2426 the “Find and Protect Foster Youth Act” and HR 3058 “Recruiting Families Using Data Act of 2023.” Both bills are bipartisan and bicameral, and both were passed out of committee and will proceed to the full House of

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