
About Kati Mapa

Kati Mapa is CWLA's Director of Public Policy.

Connecting Immigrant Families with Resources

The Protecting Immigrant Families (PIF) Coalition hosted a webinar on October 4, 2023, entitled "Connecting Immigrant Families with Resources that Help them Thrive." With the goal of sharing and publicizing resources created to inform and instruct families on what is available and how to find and apply for support. They heavily discussed the process of

Advancing Equitable Outcomes in Child Welfare: A Toolkit for Sustainability

Lutheran Services in America hosted a webinar on November 1st to introduce their new toolkit entitled “Advancing Equitable Outcomes in Child Welfare”. Panelists Julie McCrae, a senior researcher from Chaplin Hall, Samantha Steinmetz, policy analyst from Chaplin Hall, and Renada Johnson, the Senior Director of Children, Youth, and Family Initiatives at LSA, presented. This toolkit

Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Holds Investigative Hearing on Foster Care

On October 25, 2023, the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Human Rights and the Law held a hearing entitled, “the Human Rights of Foster Children.” In February, following reports that children in the care of Georgia’s Division of Family & Children Services (DFCS) have been subjected to abuse and neglect, Subcommittee Chairman Jon Ossoff (D-GA)

Administration Requests Child Care Funding

On Wednesday, October 25, 2023, the Biden-Harris Administration released a statement calling for additional funding for domestic emergency aid priorities, including $16 billion in additional child care funding to address the loss of COVID relief dollars. From the fact sheet: “There are already reports of providers needing to raise parent fees to help cover operating

The Senate Finance Committee on Paid Leave

The Senate Finance Committee held a hearing on October 25, 2023, entitled “Exploring Paid Leave: Policy, Practice, and Impact on the Workforce”. Committee Chairman Ron Wyden [D-OR] opened the hearing by talking about how crucial paid leave is to supporting the America workforce. Without it, Americans must decide between caring for loved ones and providing

Senate Judiciary Hearing about Unaccompanied Minors

On October 25, 2023, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing entitled, “Ensuring the Well-Being of Unaccompanied Children, Pt. II,” to examine the efforts of federal agencies to protect migrant children from labor exploitation, human trafficking, and abuse and neglect in foster care. Chairman of the Committee, Senator Dick Durbin [D-IL], delivered the opening statement

House Ways and Means Subcommittee Hearing on Poverty

The House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Work and Welfare, held a hearing on October 24, 2023, to examine how the United States government measures poverty. The hearing titled, “How the Biden Administration Plans to Redraw the Poverty Line and Rob Resources from Rural America,” addressed suggestions provided to the government from the National Academy

Food Security and Passing the Expanded Child Tax Credit

The Food Research Action Center (FRAC) hosted a webinar on October 25, 2023, entitled “The Pathway for Congress to Pass an Expanded Child Tax Credit”. Alex Ashbrook, the Director of Root Causes and Specific Populations at FRAC, opened the discussion by explaining that one in eight kids struggle with hunger, a jump from one in

The Case for Extended Foster Care

The Children’s Bureau hosted a webinar on Thursday, October 19th entitled “Proving Extended Foster Care Works for Young Adults”. Presenters Angie Schwartz, the Deputy Director for the California Department of Social Services and Mark E. Courtney, a CalYOUTH researcher, Co-Director of the Transition Age Youth Research and Evaluation Hub, and Professor emeritus at UC Berkeley’s

Legislative Update

As of the writing of this update, the House of Representatives still has not elected a new Speaker to lead them. As we reported last week, Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy was voted out of the position following his successful bipartisan agreement to avoid a government shutdown. The Continuing Resolution that is currently funding the government

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