
About Rachel Adams

Rachel Adams is the managing editor of CWLA's Child Welfare journal and the editor for Children's Voice magazine, CWLA textbooks, children's books, and curricula. She updates the Children's Voice page.

Last Week in Child Welfare: January 14-January 21

by Elizabeth Gibbons Mississippi Lack of legal representation for parents creates unnecessary delays and hardships, hindering child welfare workers and keeping families apart.  In Mississippi, 75% of parents who are financially challenged and involved in the child welfare system do not have legal counsel or representation, making it one of only two states not to

CWLA Statement on Tax Legislation

The Senate and House have now approved similar tax bills. There are several provisions within this legislation that could have a major impact on children and families. CWLA is most concerned about the following: The Senate version of this legislation would undercut health insurance coverage. According to the Congressional Budget Office, 4 million people next


Published in Children’s Voice, Volume XX, Number X by AUTHOR TEXT OF ARTICLE   Purchase this Issue COVER IMAGE (MEDIUM SIZE) Become a member and gain access to the full library of the Children's Voice. Other Featured Articles in this Issue XXXX XXXX XXXX Departments Leadership Lens Spotlight On: Interview and

CWLA Status Report on Hurricane Harvey and Relief Efforts

Here at CWLA, we have been in constant communication with our colleagues in Texas and Louisiana as they face the extraordinary challenges brought by Hurricane Harvey. Before implementing any special efforts, we want to find out what, specifically, these colleagues require from us. We will be meeting via conference call with CWLA members in Texas

Tell Your Members of Congress to Protect Our Health Care

Use The Town Hall Project to visit your members of Congress and tell them to protect our health care! If they are not in town, call them at your district office or contact your Senator here and your House member here. Key Points: Consequences of Repeal without Simultaneous, Responsible Replacement Members of Congress should vote

Improving Practice with LGBT Youth and Families

Published in Children's Voice, Volume 24, Number 1 by Colette Tobias Increasingly, child welfare professionals are paying attention to the unique needs and challenges faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth. Numerous resources (see www.hrc.org/acaf-resources) are available on best practices for serving this population from leading organizations including the Child Welfare League of

CWLA Statement on 2015 State of the Union Address

Not in several years has a President of United States placed such emphasis on child care in his State of the Union address. We applaud President Barack Obama’s call for greater support and expansion of early childhood education and child care, and feel it is an important strategy to help families across the income spectrum.

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