Children Voice

Changing a Critical Practice

How can policy and practice improve visits between parents and their children in care? By Meghan Williams This is the first of two articles about changes to parent-child visits. "In the name of safety, sometimes a child's well-being can get lost in the mix," says Tanya Krupat. She's seen it happen--Krupat is currently the

After Adoption

Post adoption services help families cope with issues that arise after the adoption papers are signed. By John Celock After Barbara Dewey adopted three foster children into her Lincoln, Nebraska, home, a local postadoption support group was a lifesaver. "[With a] history of abuse, and the number of placements, the behavior of the kids was

Defining Family

Piecing together how two moms or two dads fit into the picture. By Jennifer Michael Photos courtesy of the American Civil Liberties Union  Resources for Gay Parenting Lisa Johnston has worked in the early childhood field for 20 years, but it wasn't until about three years ago that she realized she also wanted to make

Slavery Undercover

An estimated 14,500-17,500 people are trafficked into the United States every year. About half are believed to be children. By John Celock Photographs courtesy of Sandy Shepherd Growing up without running water and electricity, only eating one meal a day in a poor rural village in Zambia, young Given Kachepa imagined the United States as

From Custody to Career

After leaving foster care or incarceration, young people often struggle to find footholds in the work world. Article and photos by Jennifer Michael If only getting a job were as easy as writing a resume, buying a suit, and pounding the pavement. For seasoned professionals, this can work fine. But for young adults with only

Children Missing from Care

How should agencies respond? By Jennifer Michael When the news hit the airwaves in 2002, shock rippled through the country. How could a 5-year-old girl under the care of the social service system just simply disappear? But that is what happened to Rilya Wilson. Born to a homeless drug addict, Rilya was taken into state

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