
Wyden Bill Would Provide New Funding To Child Welfare

On Monday, May 5, Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), the Ranking Member of the Senate Finance Committee released a “discussion draft” of legislation that would invest new money into child welfare services through Title IV-E of the Social Security Act. The discussion draft would build on the Administration’s FY 2016 budget request that seeks to expand

Letter of Support for Administration Budget Proposals

The Child Welfare League of America is part of a number of groups led by First Focus Campaign for Children, along with Children’s Defense Fund (CDF), Foster Family-based Treatment Association (FFTA), Generations United (GU), the National Foster Care Coalition, and Voice for Adoption (VFA) circulating an advocacy sign-on letter urging support for the Administration’s FY

Budget Update Budget Resolution Agreement

The Senate gave final approval to a concurrent budget resolution when 51 Republican Senators approved the measure last Tuesday. The resolution allows for two significant actions: it allows Congress to spend more on the Defense Department while keeping a cap on domestic spending and it allows for reconciliation. Although it is not law it is

Children’s Bureau Offers Webinars on Key Foster Care Issues

As part of their efforts and recognition of May as National Foster Care Month, the Children’s Bureau is hosting two webinars in the next two weeks. The first webinar, Supporting Permanency for LGBTQ Youth in Foster Care, is on Thursday, May 14, from 2:00 to 3:30 PM, EST and interested participants can Register here. A

Congress Reaches Budget Resolution Agreement

Republican negotiators reached final budget resolution as described here on the House Budget Committee site.  Last week there was some back and forth between House and Senate Republicans about some spending issues but all the hold-ups were cleared and by week’s end it was passed by the House by a vote of 226-197 late Thursday.

White House Focuses Attention On Homeless Youth

On Wednesday, April 29 CWLA participated in a policy briefing at the White House that focused attention on youth and homelessness at the White House. The session included a series of comments from key Administration officials as well as panel discussions. The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness established under the McKinney Vento Act has

House Subcommittee Holds Hearing TANF Reauthorization

  On Thursday, April 30, the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Human Resources held a hearing on the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant. The hearing could be the precursor to a full reauthorization of the program which was last reauthorized in 2005, it has expired and received a series of short

Congress Returns With Goal of Single Budget Resolution

Congress returns this week with one of its top goals the passage of a single House-Senate budget resolution. The agreements that allowed the House and Senate budget resolutions (H. Con Res 27 and S. Con. Res. 11 ) to pass included significant defense spending increases but those increases were included because both houses classified it

HHS Will Seek Comments on ICWA AFCARS Issues

ACF has followed the recent request for comments on revised AFCARS data reporting with a Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on additional (Indian Child Welfare Act) ICWA-Related Data Elements.  On April 2 the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) released a notice of intent to publish a supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking (SNPRM) related to

HHS Seeks Comments: CAPTA Guidance On Child Fatalities Disclosure

On March 31, ACF published a notice seeking public comments in the Federal Registry (80 FR 17045) on the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) in regard to public disclosure of findings or information about a case of child abuse or neglect which results in a child fatality or near fatality. The notice comes

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