
HHS Announces Pulling Of CAPTA Regulations

On Monday, March 30, the Administration for Children and Families announced that it is removing the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) regulations in their entirety effective June 29, 2015.   They are not seeking comments.  In their announcement they say: “These regulations no longer apply to the CAPTA programs they were originally designed to

Efforts Moving Toward Fix of Doc Fix

Late last week congressional leaders from both parties announced what appear to be an agreement to eliminate the Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate (SRG) formula, what is commonly referred to as the “Medicare Doc Fix.”  It is expected that the legislation would also include an extension of some health related provisions included last year’s bill including

HHS Releases New Home Visiting Resources and Information

HHS through the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has unveiled new resources and information on the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV). The new information includes an Issue Brief  which begins to shed light on the significant impact that the program is having in just a few short years.  The number of

Interior Department Releases New Guidelines On ICWA

On February 25 the Bureau of Indian affairs in the Interior Department issued new guidelines and regulations regarding the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA). The guidelines are the first update since 1979 shortly after the law was enacted by Congress. These updated guidelines are intended to provide procedures and best practices for use in Indian

Panel Discusses Treatments and Medication for Children in Foster Care

A Tuesday, February 10 congressional briefing entitled, Reducing Overreliance on Psychotropics and Increasing Use of Psychosocial Treatments for Children and Youth in Foster Care focused attention on the need for stronger treatment options for children in foster care. The briefing was cosponsored by First Focus, Voice for Adoption and the State Policy Advocacy Reform Center.

President‘s Budget Starts FY 2016 Debate

  Last Monday, the President started the FY 2016 appropriations process when he sent to Congress his formal budget request.  Although many observers like to describe such budgets as “dead on arrival” or DOA whenever there are two different parties controlling the White House and Congress it none-theless starts a process and sets goals in

Budget Includes Several Initiatives on Child Welfare

The Administration’s budget includes several proposed appropriations increases or changes in law to expand child welfare services, particularly for children and families involved with foster care. It is in fact a change for a budget area that rarely experiences any requested increases beyond what happens under the entitlement programs. Whether any action takes place will

President To Release Proposed Budget Today

The President will release his proposed budget this morning.  Some of the proposals have been leaked from the President and White House including his proposals to expand child care and the child care tax credit or the proposal to expand access to community colleges. Under the new proposal for child care, the President would provide

Amendment Would Address Medicaid Extended Access to Foster Youth

Last Wednesday Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) offered an amendment in a committee deliberation to assure Medicaid coverage for young people who had been in foster care.  Under the ACA a young person who exits foster care at 18 (or older) is covered by Medicaid to age 26.  There has been a complication with the provision

White House Hold Early Childhood Summit

On Wednesday, December 10, the President focused attention on early childhood education and child care with the White House Early Learning Summit.  The goal of the event was to build on recent work by the Administration over the last several years and to hopefully build momentum around early learning and get the word out about

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