
Join Us for CWLA’s 2021 Virtual Hill Day

There are three key points for CWLA members this week: Make the Child Tax Credit Permanent which would make the CTC fully refundable, even for low-income families. The Child Tax Credit is on track to be delivered monthly, starting in July 2021, by the IRS. Making the CTC permanent can lift more children above the poverty line

CWLA HOT Topic: Racial Equity in Child Welfare—Address the Roadblocks

The past year has focused needed attention on racial inequity. The death of George Floyd and many others have focused greater attention on racial inequality across this country. This inequity extends to child welfare. This HOT TOPIC calls for three immediate steps Congress can take this year: Reform the Multi-Ethnic Placement Act (MEPA); Add in greater flexibility

CWLA Hot Topic: Child Tax Credit is a Child Welfare Issue, Here’s Why

Before President Biden’s signed the American Rescue Plan, 27 million children did not receive the child tax credit as a result of low parental income. During the pandemic, child poverty reached an estimated high of 21.4% in August 2020 – up from 18.7% pre-pandemic. The National Academies of Sciences found that child poverty itself costs

CWLA Hot Topic: Save Child Care

The COVID-19 pandemic just exacerbated the child care industry, which is vital for working parents. The child care industry has historically been underfunded and outrageously expensive for most American families and making access to quality care unattainable for more than 2 million parents a year.   The Center for American Progress estimates that more than

Commissioner Aysha Schomburg Opens CWLA’s 2021 Virtual Conference

Aysha Schomburg, Associate Commissioner for the Children’s Bureau, helped to open CWLA’s successful 2021 virtual conference on Tuesday, May 4, 2021. In her opening remarks to CWLA attendees, she discussed her experiences over the past year during the pandemic and some of the lessons learned. At the time, Commissioner Schomburg was working at New York

Join Us: CWLA 2021 Virtual Hill Day

Following CWLA’s 2021 Virtual Conference this week, will be our Virtual Hill Day on Wednesday, May 12th, in which we are asking CWLA members and Conference registrants to go to Capitol Hill to virtually meet their members of Congress to educate them on key child welfare legislation.   The 2021 CWLA Legislative Agenda, which lays out

President Outlines His American Family Plan

On Wednesday, April 28, 2021, President Joe Biden used his first speech to a joint session of Congress to outline his “American Family Plan.” The plan is designed to complement or combine with his infrastructure plan to redesign the U.S. economy over the coming years.     The key provisions as outlined by the White House include a

Ways and Means Committee Chair Introduces Package of Family Supports

A day before President Biden’s speech to a joint session of Congressman Richard Neal (D-MA), Chair of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee announced the release of the Building an Economy for Families Act (and here). The legislation would provide paid family and medical leave, expanded child care, and improvements in tax credits, including the Child

Bipartisan Immigration Bill Introduced

On Thursday, April 22, 2021, a bipartisan cross-section of the Senate and House members announced legislation to address immigration, specifically unaccompanied minors crossing the US-Mexico border.   The key sponsors (S 1358-Border Solutions Act) include Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), and House members Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX) and Congressman Tony Gonzales (R-TX). Senator

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