
Biden Expected to Reveal More on Major Budget Initiatives

On Wednesday, March 31, 2021, President Biden will be in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, to deliver a speech that will describe his vision and major next steps for his economic agenda.   Last week several publications wrote of major plans the Biden Administration is considering for inclusion in the President’s detailed FY 2022 budget to be released

President To Release Part of FY 2022 Budget This Week

Congress is starting its spring break these next two weeks, but the Biden Administration will still release their proposed discretionary appropriations numbers while members are on recess. The House returns on April 13, 2021, and when they return, they are expected to begin the appropriations process.   The ten-year 2011 Budget Control Act agreed to

Sign-On to Support Permanent Improvements to the Child Tax Credit, EITC, and CDCTC

  CWLA and other national and state groups signed a letter calling on the President to make permanent the improvements to the Child Tax Credit (CTC), Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), and the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC). The American Rescue Plan (ARP) includes significant, but temporary, improvements to the CTC, the EITC and

Older Youth Pandemic Relief: Summary and Highlights of the Program Instruction (Part II)

On Wednesday, March 24, 2021, FosterClub and Juvenile Law Center with Youth Villages provided a second summary of the older youth sections of the Supporting Foster Youth and Families through the Pandemic Act program instructions and highlighted key areas to support the implementation of the law.   This webinar specifically provided the summary and highlights

The American Rescue Plan Act: What’s In It (Part 2)

This is a continuation of last week’s description of the American Rescue Plan Act. The $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief measure has a lot in it that directly and indirectly addresses the impact of this year-long pandemic. It addresses many issues that have received increased focus because of this past year’s struggles (racial and regional inequities within the

Becerra Becomes New HHS Head

On Thursday, March 18, 2021, the Senate gave final approval to California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to become the Secretary of Health and Human Services. The narrow vote of 50 to 49 represents an attempt of some interest groups to criticize the nominee on issues ranging from his administrative experience to whether or not he

House Passes Bipartisan Child Abuse Prevention Bill

On Tuesday, March 16, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 485 – Stronger Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) by 345-73, and now it heads to the Senate. It proposes robust funding increases for states and local communities to implement strategies and programs that prevent child abuse is critical to strengthen families and protecting

Child and Youth Homelessness Relief in the American Rescue Plan Act

SchoolHouse Connection and National Network for Youth hosted a webinar on Wednesday, March 16, that discussed the American Rescue Plan Act and what it means for children and youth experiencing homelessness. This webinar was meant to think through pieces of this package and how to help children and youth access all the support they can.   

House Passes Dreamers Bill

On Thursday, March 18, 2021, the House of Representatives voted 228 to 197 for HR 6, the American Dream and Promise Act. The legislation is actually two immigration-related bills, with one dealing with young people seeking citizenship and a second bill dealing with farmworkers provisions. The legislation’s main feature is to allow certain young people and

New Guidance & Instructions to the Supporting Foster Youth and Families through the Pandemic Act

On Wednesday, March 10, 2021, the Children’s Bureau released guidance on implementing funds appropriated by The Supporting Foster Youth and Families through the Pandemic Act, included in the Consolidated Appropriations Act that passed in December 2020 by Congress. The Program Instruction, ACYF-CB-PI-21-04, provides guidance and instructions for the John H. Chafee Foster Care Programs for Successful Transition to

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