
Child Maltreatment Report Published

HHS has released the annual child abuse report: Child Maltreatment 2017. The numbers are similar to past years. For FY 2017, there are an estimated 674,000 victims of child abuse and neglect. The victim rate is 9.1 victims per 1,000 children in the population. The numbers are like the previous year—2016 when 676,000 victims. Much

Budget Committee Reviews FY 2020 and Potential Appropriations

Last week the House Budget Committee held their first hearing and opportunity to look at the FY 2020 horizon. The Administration has formally announced it will delay the release of the proposed Fiscal Year 2020 budget beyond this Monday’s required deadline. They have not given a date but the government shutdown of last month means

White House Drug Czar Releases Plan to Promote Broad Anti-Drug Strategy

James Carroll, Director of National Drug Control Policy, or “Drug Czar” released the Administration’s National Drug Control Strategy on Thursday, January 31. In announcing the report Mr. Carroll says that the strategy will require “ongoing efforts with a holistic approach. Families, communities, faith organizations, education, and mass media…” in supporting the process. The strategy is

HHS Issues Waiver on Religious Discrimination

On Wednesday, January 23, the Department of Health and Human Services issued a long-delayed decision that grants a child welfare agency in the state of South Carolina a waiver from anti-discrimination requirements under Title IV-E foster care and adoption assistance. The action permits one child welfare agency, Miracle Hill, to continue restricting their recruitment practices

CR Extends Funding to Mid-February

Late Friday, the parts of government that were unfunded were extended through February 15. The continuing resolution (CR) maintains funding at 2018 levels so there are really two issues to be resolved: what level of final funding for the seven appropriations bills in question and the fate of the wall/security issues. There has been a

How Does the Delay in 2019 Affect 2020 Appropriations Issues?

It looks as if the third year of the Trump Presidency will start out for the third time with a delayed budget and appropriations process. The government shutdown means that the budget will not be released in the first week of February as required. When it does come out it will likely include a hodgepodge

TANF Extension Passes Senate, President Expected to Sign

The President has signed an extension of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant. The action was on track before the temporary reprieve from the government shutdown was agreed to last Friday. On Tuesday, January 22, the Senate passed the short term extension, HR 430. The bill extends the block grant through June

Brookings Event Highlights CHAMPS-Foster Parent Recruitment

Last week the Brookings Institution hosted a convening of the CHAMPS campaign to discuss strategies to increase the number of foster families across the country. CHAMPS is a project funded by several foundations led by Annie E Casey. The effort is intended as a national campaign to increase the number of foster parents through state

Human Service Impact Climbs

The ongoing government shutdown is a mixed bag in terms of human services funding and which programs, and, by extension, people are most vulnerable. As part of the five appropriations bills that were signed on time last fall, the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Education and Department of Labor are all funded.

Loan Forgiveness for Social Workers and Others Not Working

According to research by the newspaper USA Today, despite the fact that you can get loan forgiveness for public service—including social workers in a child welfare agency, after working for ten years, the vast majority of applicants have not had success in getting their loans forgiven. More than 41,000 public servants have applied for loan

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