
SSBG is Still the One–Targeted for Elimination

Once again SSBG is targeted for elimination and without any doubt, such an elimination would hit child welfare in ways big and small as well as many other human service programs including those that effect domestic violence and elder abuse victims. SSBG provided 11 percent of federal child welfare spending in 2014 (Child Trends Survey

DACA Debate Collapses After White House Targeting

At the start of a Wednesday forum, sponsored by The Hill newspaper dealing with opioids (see below) one of the opening speakers was Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI). Before sponsors delved into the topic at hand the reporter snuck a question, how is the Senate coming on the DACA debate? Senator Whitehouse described his feeling of

Opioids Forum on the Hill by the Hill

On Wednesday, February 14 of The Hill newspaper sponsored another forum on “Americas Opioid Epidemic.” Some of the featured speakers included Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, and Congressman David Joyce (R-OH). In addition, participants heard from Surgeon General Jerome Adams. Senator Whitehouse, who has played a prominent role in crafting some of the recent legislation around both

Juvenile Justice Budget

Shaquita Ogletree The Department of Justice FY 2019 budget request includes $229.5 million for the Office of Justice Programs’ (OJP) Juvenile Justice Programs. Funding for juvenile justice and delinquency prevention has declined to the lowest levels due to drastic budget cuts in recent years. Funding levels in recent years have strained programs to a fraction

Now What on Immigration?

Many members of Congress (especially Democrats) voted against the CR/budget agreement because it lacked a firm commitment by congressional leadership (and the President for that matter) on action on DACA recipients. Shortly before the vote on the CR, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WS) said, “I can’t speak to what our rule is going to look like;

CHIP Protected From Future Action in This Congress or Administration

  The budget agreement includes a further extension of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for ten years. The last CR had finally extended the expired CHIP program for six years. That was done because when Congress further restricted the ACA it meant that if CHIP disappeared it would be more costly to the federal

Congress Doing Only Thing They Can: CRs

It is looking more like the only major accomplishments for the 115th Congress will be the large tax cut package of 2017 and passing numerous CRs. As Monday approaches it looks likely that the Congress will extend FY 2018 for the fifth time since the fiscal year started on October 1. That CR may extend

Immigration Breakthrough or Not?

Last week failed to bring any real clarity to what has now become an immigration debate. Hanging in the balance is the fate of the approximate 780,000 current DACA recipients who will face the full impact of the President’s March 5 deadline eliminating the protections. The Trump Administration and hardliners are insisting on a swap

House Expected to Take Up SSA Bill That Will Protect Foster Youth

On Monday, the House is expected to vote on a bill that makes reforms in oversight of representative payees and others who oversee recipients of Social Security benefits. The legislation H.R. 4547, Strengthening Protections for Social Security Beneficiaries Act will change current law so that in instances when a Social Security beneficiary or SSI recipient

No Health Extenders, Home Visiting

With CHIP reauthorized, one of the best vehicles for extension is no longer available to a list of vital and lesser known ‘health-extenders.’ that remain in limbo. Since this Congress seems to be unwilling to deal with these issues individually their best opportunity is a bigger package. Some of the more important programs include the

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