Future of Next Package of COVID-19 Relief Bogs Down

By Thursday evening, August 6, 2020, some senators were leaving town as an agreement between the White House and Congressional Democrats bogged down with no clear path forward. A chart of some of the differences between the House of Representatives HEROES Act passed on May 15, and the Senate HEAL Act (Republican description) introduced July 27, can

Florida’s Mayors Asking Congress For Help

Last week 163 Florida mayors, through the Florida League of Mayors, asked Congress for emergency help addressing the pandemic and the recession. In the letter dated July 30, 2020, the mayors said, “Absent direct federal assistance, we will be forced to cut our workforce, exacerbating the economic and public health crisis we face…many local business owners

2021 Appropriations

At one point last week, Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL), Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, dropped a suggestion that maybe an FY 2021 appropriations bill could be attached to a final COVID-19 bill number 5. A final bill would take a lot of consensus on spending levels using the old budget caps. It would seem more

Senate COVID-19 Bill Leaves Majority Party Struggling

On Monday, July 27, 2020, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) released his party’s counter to the House of Representatives HEROES Act. The rest of last week left the impression that Senate Republicans are not sure about the next steps. The HEALS Act, as it has been labeled, is actually eight different bills from different members

Senate COVID-19 Bill Includes Limited Child Welfare Funds

While the Senate COVID-19 bill provides minimal state supplements, it does provide some funding through the Senate Finance Committee bill and the Senate Appropriations bill for limited child welfare programs. Funding includes an appropriation of $75 million through the Child Welfare Services (Title IV-B part 1),$50 million for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevent (CB-CAP) funds and $65 million for Family

Some of the CWLA Priority Items the Senate COVID-19 Bill Does Not Include

There are several priorities CWLA holds for the next package that reach beyond “child welfare” but are critical to families and to future trends for child welfare caseloads. These can be as broad as tax rebates (that need to reach families that adopt, foster parents, kinship care and youth that transition from foster care) but

Judge Blocks Public Charge Restrictions Due to Pandemic

On Wednesday, July 29, 2020, New York U.S. District Judge George Daniels blocked the Trump Administration's new "public charge" immigration restriction. The Judge's ruling was based on how the Administration's new rule prevents some immigrants access to critical COVID-19 services.   Public charge is a test applied to immigrants who the government believes will rely

Trump Administration Rejects Requests Under DACA

On Tuesday, July 28, 2020, the Trump Administration announced a plan to limit the use of DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. Faced with a rejection by the U.S. Supreme Court to end the program, they are now attempting to restrict it. The Tuesday announcement said they would reject any new applicants and limit

House Moves 11 2021 Appropriations Bills

On Friday, July 31, 2020, the House passed HR 7614 a second “mini-bus” legislative package that included six more appropriations bills.    Combined with the previous week’s action that moved four appropriations bills, the House of Representatives has passed ten of twelve appropriations bills. Before moving on this legislative package, House leadership removed funding for the Department

COVID-19 #5 Bill: Majority Struggles With Consensus

As the end of the week approached, Washington was still waiting for a complete initial package from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on what will be a fifth COVID-19 relief measure. Negotiations that had started within the White House on Monday between the President’s staff and Republican Congressional leaders from the House and Senate

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