House Collapse on Immigration

On Wednesday, June 27, the House of Representatives put a final nail in the coffin of immigration reform compromise when the Goodlatte-Ryan bill went down to a big defeat by a vote of 121 to 301. There are suggestions that when the House returns from the July 4th break they will take up a narrower

Advocates Call for Congressional Oversight on Child Separation

A joint briefing by the YWCA and the Hispanic Heritage Foundation: A Report Back from the Border on Friday, June 29, provided a platform for advocates to call for congressional action. The panel discussion and remarks included Abel Nunez, CARECEN—Latino Resource and Justice Center, Maria Cardona, Latinovations, Maria Teresa Kumar, Vota Latino, Ranit Mishori, Global

Health Care Update: Judge Blocks KY Medicaid-Work Waiver

n Friday, the Administration and the state of Kentucky received a blow when a judge struck down the Medicaid work requirement that was set to go into effect on July 1. The ruling by Judge James Boasberg came late on Friday. The Judge directed the state to go back to CMS and HHS to review

Where and How Are the Children?

By Friday there were more questions than answers on the fate of immigrant families crossing the border and the children that have already been separated from those families. First the President issued an executive order that said families would be arrested and kept together. The problem is that there are no placements for those families.

HHS Seeks Comments on Family First Evidence Base

On Friday, June 22, HHS issued their first request for comments on how to approach the issue of defining and listing services and practices that will qualify under the Family First Prevention Services Act. There is a very quick turn-around time with comments due by July 22. Under the Family First Act, HHS is to

Two Steps You Can Do For Children Separated

Before you send that e-mail or make that phone call to an advocacy or other children’s organization demanding action or you post on Facebook your opinions, TELL THE PRESIDENT AND CONGRESS as a constituent. Go to the CWLA Action Center. Enter your zip code and your two senators and member of Congress will pop up

List of Opponents of Child Separation

CWLA is just one of a growing list of organizations, coalitions, groups and other parties who have spoken out against the separation of children from their parents. The growing list of statements include some organizations that rarely speak out on political matters. A small sampling of the organizations that have posted statements online: (non-profits): Voice

House May Take Second Attempt at Immigration Bill This Week

Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-WS) immigration compromise may come up for a vote this week. Originally the House was to vote on two bills on Thursday June 21, the Congressman Robert Goodlatte (R-VA) bill that was seen as a conservative vehicle and the Ryan bill that was labeled a compromise between moderate and conservative Republicans. The

Appropriations and Spending Update

Last week the House Appropriations Committee delayed action on the Labor-HHS-Education bill reported out by the Subcommittee. Their bill for FY 2019 was scheduled for a vote but leadership pushed out the hearing due to the confrontation over immigration and border issues that could add costs to the HHS part of the bill. HHS includes

House Passes Agriculture Bill Now Confronts Bipartisan Senate Deal

On Thursday, the House approved their farm bill with SNAP/food stamp restrictions by a vote of 213-211, HR 2. The vote was directly tied to the immigration debate as conservatives had sunk the bill last month because of unmet demands on immigration. Estimates are that the House bill will cut SNAP by $19 billion. CWLA

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