Administration Looks to Military Bases to Separate Children from Families

A report by the Washington Post last week indicates that the Administration is preparing to use of military bases to hold immigrant children who are either unaccompanied minors or are being split apart from their families. The Post obtained an email notification sent to Pentagon staff. HHS will make visits at four military installations in

House Republican Leaders Push Back on DACA

Last Wednesday, May 16, House Republican leaders, led by Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) warned off members against a discharge vote on DACA. He told members in a closed door meeting that was widely reported that if the election were held now House Republicans would hold the House but if they pushed a vote on

Some House Republicans Push DACA Floor Vote

A handful of House Republicans led by Congressman Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) are attempting a long shot bid to force a vote on a DACA bill. The long shot is that they are using a seldom used House action to discharge a bill from committee. Curbelo filed the discharge petition and now they need to get

CWLA Joins Groups Opposing DOJ Efforts to Remove LGBTQ Data

  CWLA has joined several other groups in a letter and opposition to the Department of Justice (DOJ) proposal to eliminate some important new criminal justice data. The Bureau of Justice Statistics’ (BJS) has proposed the removal of sexual orientation and gender identity questions. The announcement was listed in the Federal Register on April 11.

Administration Sends Rescission, Rumblings on Cuts in HHS

The Administration has sent up their package of rescissions totaling approximately $15 billion. The proposal, which must be acted on by appropriations committees to become effective, largely targets funds that have not yet spent. The biggest piece is CHIP reserve funds of approximately $7 billion. The funds are there in reserve in part to offset

House Takes On Tougher Work Requirements in Range of Anti-Poverty Programs

With less than three weeks before the Memorial Day break, the House majority is preparing to use the less than 14 legislative days to flex their muscle with a range of new work requirements in anti-poverty programs. The efforts will focus on nutrition programs, targeting SNAP, but they will also look at housing services including

CWLA Joins Onto Opposition to House SNAP Legislation

The Child Welfare League of America has joined onto opposition to H.R. 2, an agriculture reauthorization bill that extends nutrition programs including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) program. The letter CWLA has signed onto urges Members of Congress to vote no. The letter was written jointly by First Focus and the Children’s Leadership Council.

Administration May Be Succeeding In Reducing Insurance Coverage

The Commonwealth Fund released findings last Tuesday, May 1 that the increased health insurance coverage under the ACA may be going in reverse. There new survey indicates that the uninsured rate is now 15.5 percent, up from 12.7 percent in 2016. That means about 4 million people have lost coverage in two years. They find

Dreamers Describe Their Hopes to CWLA Gathering

A group of young people, as part of United We Dream, inspired a CWLA crowd at Thursday morning’s plenary, to go to Capitol Hill in support of fixing the current DACA gridlock by passing the DREAMERS Act. Sanaa Abrar, Policy Director for United We Dream was joined on the panel by Claudia Quinonez, Gerson Quinteros,

CWLA Advocates Prep for Capitol Hill

In preparation for Thursday afternoon Capitol Hill visits, CWLA members and state advocates came together on Wednesday afternoon to hear from a series of Washington D.C. speakers who addressed some of the latest issues and policies including the Family First Act. Associate Commissioner, Children’s Bureau, Jerry Milner offered the group some initial comments and engaged

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