Impact of Cash Assistance: Brief

Child Trends released a brief on the impact of cash assistance, like the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit, for families with infants and toddlers that have low incomes. Cash assistance is one way to supplement incomes and address the economic burdens these families face. The brief contained evidence-based conclusions on the

“Care Can’t Wait” Day of Action on Child Care and Paid Leave

On February 28, 2023, the Care Can’t Wait Coalition hosted a Day of Action on Columbus Circle. The coalition advocates for the trifecta of aging and disability care, paid leave, and childcare and is promoting the Child Care for Working Families Act and the Paid Family and Medical Leave Act. The Day of Action featured

Advocates Publish Priorities for SNAP Reauthorization

The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) and the Community Partnership Group published their priorities for the reauthorization of the FARM Bill and a guide for how this Congress must reshape SNAP policies. Currently SNAP policies “...focu[s] too narrowly on individual choice and behavior…rather than eradicating the underlying causes of poverty and hunger.” Their

Supporting Young Adults Through Guaranteed Income

The Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) recently released a publication entitled “Supporting Young Adults through a Guaranteed Income.” Authored by Senior Policy Analyst Alexander Coccia, the publication focuses upon the need for young adults to have robust economic support. Young adulthood, specifically the ages of 18 to 25, is a crucial transition

Budget and Spending Debates Continue

During the State of the Union Address, President Biden took the opportunity to address the debt ceiling negotiations, noting that there had been proposals to make cuts to Medicare and Social Security spending. Republicans vehemently and loudly denied such plans, and in one of the few bipartisan moments of the night, both parties seemed to

Webinar: Farm Bill 101

On Wednesday, February 15th, First Focus on Children and The Education Trust hosted a webinar to educate on struggles that may arise with the reauthorization of the FARM Bill this year. Katie Bergh, Senior Policy Analyst for the Food Assistance Team at the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, spoke about her previous experience with

State of Child Care Rally on the Hill

On February 7, 2023, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) held a rally to shed light on the child care crisis. Along with several other senators, representatives, and guest speakers, Murray highlighted the importance of rebuilding the infrastructure of our child care system, and the steps President Biden should take in order to mitigate and solve this

Paid Leave Legislation Introduced

On February 1, 2023, Democratic lawmakers marked the 30th anniversary of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) with a press conference announcing a new legislative package to establish a paid family and medical leave program and to expand and modernize FMLA. The FMLA program has successfully allowed employees to take reasonable time off to

Spending Showdowns Loom for New Leaders

On Thursday, January 19th, 2023, Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen announced that the United States had officially reached its debt limit and that the Treasury Department is deploying “extraordinary measures” — in this case, suspending investments in government retirement funds — to avoid defaulting. In a letter to Congressional leaders, Secretary Yellen urged Congress

Supportive Housing Needs Assessment

CSH released a new, first-of-its-kind national needs assessment of supportive housing, which was developed by looking at data across a spectrum of public systems and found that an estimated 1,125,000 homes are needed to meet the need for supportive housing. From the Summary: “Supportive housing is affordable housing with flexible services that help vulnerable people

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