The Child Tax Credit (CTC) and the Parent Penalty

As very high-level negotiations continue over what should be included in a final reconciliation bill one of CWLA prime issues is the CTC. The internal debate is how to reduce the overall cost of the reconciliation bill (even if paid for by tax increases and other revenue).  One easy way is to simply drop a

Paid Leave Would Cut Health Care Costs

New research, Paid Leave Would Cut Healthcare Costs, by the National Partnership for Women and Families, argues that a paid family and medical leave bill will save the economy over $64 billion if it becomes law. The House Ways and Means Committee version of the proposal would create a national paid family and medical leave

Health of Women and Children Report

America’s Health Rankins (United Health Foundation) has released their 2021 Health of Women and Children Report. The 5th edition of this report provides a comprehensive look at the health of children and women of reproductive age across the nation and on a state-by-state basis in the time leading up to, and the early part of,

Webinar On the Child Tax Credit and Child Welfare

On Monday, September 27th, CWLA hosted a Child Tax Credit (CTC) webinar that was sponsored by the Coalition on Human Needs (CHN). In the webinar Debbie Weinstein, the executive director of the Coalition of Human Needs, explored the benefits, logistics, challenges, and eligibility for the Child Tax Credit.   In March 2021, The American Rescue

Economists, Business Leaders, House Members Call For Child Care Reconciliation

As the reconciliation bill is fought over, several prominent groups are weighing in support of a major expansion of child care as part of the final reconciliation. In the past two weeks, more than 120 economists, forty-five business leaders, and 100 House members have called on Congress to include the robust child care expansion that

Foster Care Entry Rates Grew Faster for Infants than for Children of Other Ages

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) released a new report, Foster Care Entry Rates Grew Faster for Infants than for Children of Other Ages, 2011-2018, that found that infants accounted for more than 70 percent of the total increase in foster care entries in recent years at the national, state, and

Ways and Means Committee Carries Biggest Parts of Reconciliation

Last week the House Ways and Means Committee released and then worked on perhaps the biggest parts of reconciliation and the Biden Administration’s “Build Back Better” agenda when they published the tax provisions. The tax pieces can be divided into two broad parts, tax deductions and incentives and tax increases to pay for the tax

CTC and Child Welfare

An important provision in the House Committee version of the CTC allows some flexibility for both birth parents and foster parents. A parent can still receive the CTC for temporary absences “under the facts and circumstances, it is reasonable to assume that the individual will return to reside at the place of abode.” There is

400 Economists Endorse CTC Extension

On Wednesday, 15, 2021, over 400 prominent economists outlined their strong support for a permanent extension of the CTC. In part they said:   “Childhood poverty is a staggering problem in the United States, affecting approximately one in seven children, and one in five children of color, even before the Covid-19 pandemic began. Children growing up in

Family and Medical Paid Leave

An earlier piece of reconciliation adopted through the House Ways and Means Committee is the creation of a paid family and medical leave program.  The version the House Committee has envisioned could start as early as 2023, and lost wages would be replaced on a sliding scale formula based on a worker’s annual income.    An employee

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