House Takes On Tougher Work Requirements in Range of Anti-Poverty Programs

With less than three weeks before the Memorial Day break, the House majority is preparing to use the less than 14 legislative days to flex their muscle with a range of new work requirements in anti-poverty programs. The efforts will focus on nutrition programs, targeting SNAP, but they will also look at housing services including

CWLA Joins Onto Opposition to House SNAP Legislation

The Child Welfare League of America has joined onto opposition to H.R. 2, an agriculture reauthorization bill that extends nutrition programs including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) program. The letter CWLA has signed onto urges Members of Congress to vote no. The letter was written jointly by First Focus and the Children’s Leadership Council.

CWLA Conference Kicks Off With New York City & DREAMERS

David Hansell, Commissioner, Administration for Children Services, New York City opened the CWLA Conference in the first plenary session on Thursday, April 26. Mr. Hansell focused on the recent advancements New York City has made over the past twenty years in child welfare with foster care caseloads at one time exceeding more than 50,000 children

Child Welfare League Legislative Agenda

Part of the CWLA National Conference includes the release of CWLA 2018 legislative agenda and supporting materials on the reauthorization of the JJDPA, preservation of SSBG, preserving the ACA and Medicaid, the dangers of block grants, but the main talking points for Capitol Hill will focus on greater funding through the Title IV-B programs to

CWLA Conference Set For This Week

The CWLA National Conference starts this week. The opening takes place on Thursday, April 26, but there will be a preview event for state advocates and CWLA members going to Capitol Hill on Wednesday afternoon, April 25, the National Advocacy Leaders Convening. The Wednesday session includes a discussion with Associate Commissioner of the Children’s Bureau

Anti-Poverty Group CPAG Offers Agenda To Lift Families and Children

The Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) has released a report, Our Kids, Our Future: Solutions to Child Poverty in the U.S that provides a collection of over 20 papers that provide recommendations to significantly reduce child poverty and improve child well-being. CPAG is made up of more than two dozen national organizations including the Child

Child Care Advocates Celebrate Big Increase

On Wednesday, April 11, child care advocates celebrated the biggest increase in child care funding history. The FY 2018 deal enacted last month increased annually appropriated child care funds by $2.3 billion raising the total to $5.2 billion for FY 2018. Advocates heard from long time Capitol Hill champions including Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) the

Final FY 2018 Appropriations Significant Increases for Children

A combination of higher budget caps tied to the defense budget and the increasing spread of opioid addiction combined into a final appropriation deal that resulted in some truly historic increases in children’s spending. Leading the way was the single biggest increase in child care funding history at $2.3 billion with an additional $600 million

Child Welfare and Other Items

The just-signed appropriations had a number of improvements for a child welfare advocacy community that does not normally experience. Congress was not “budget neutral”, e.g. we will increase child welfare funding if we cut child welfare funding in other areas. The increase in CAPTA is in fact historic rising from an ever-eroding base of $25

The Child Care Deal

The $2.3 billion in new child care funding represents an historic increase not experienced since its inception in 1990 under the George H.W. Bush Administration. Other increases included the 1996 TANF law that included an influx of $1 billion over six years that also leveraged state matching funds. The next big increase came at the

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