Bipartisan Senate Committee Vote Moves Child Nutrition Improvements 

On Wednesday, January 20 it was all bipartisan with voice votes in approving a jointly drafted committee bill, the Improving Child Nutrition Integrity and Access Act of 2016.  The substitute bill draft was submitted by Committee Chairman Pat Roberts(R-KS) and Ranking Democrat Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI). The unnumbered bill extends a number of child nutrition

CWLA Continues Annual EITC Outreach 

As has been the case in past years, CWLA is joining with the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities to conduct an annual tax credit outreach initiative to provide updated information and outreach tools to organizations that can help spread the message about refundable tax credits and free tax filing assistance to low income families.  The Center is

Hopes Rise Again For Child Nutrition Program Extensions  

On Wednesday, January 20 the Senate Agriculture Committee is scheduled to take up a child nutrition bill that it is hoped will strengthen and expand a number of services that effect food access for children and their families. The meeting can be viewed at that time at that time through the Senate website at

2016 Congressional Session Short and Uncertain

When Congress returns this week it will mark the beginning of a very short congressional calendar.  The President is scheduled to deliver his last State of the Union address on January12 which will unofficially begin the new budget debate for FY 2017.  The official budget will come a little more than four weeks later in

2016 Budget Is Final

On Tuesday night Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WS) announced a final budget deal that wraps up appropriations for the rest of fiscal year 2016.  The House approved the package in parts with approval of the appropriations, the final piece, coming on Friday.  The Senate wasted no time in voting later that day to approve the combined

ESEA Changes on Foster Care & Homeless Youth

The new version of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), S. 1177, the Every Student Succeeds Act,  with a text that runs over one thousand pages includes a number of long sought after reforms that are intended to help children in foster care and improvements in the McKinney-Vento Education For Homeless Children and Youth

Commission Continues Debate Over Strategy to Reduce Child Deaths

The Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities continued their deliberations last week with a two day discussion in Virginia just outside of Washington DC. Based on the public discussions, members continued to disagree and debate what should be included in a final package of proposals that will go to the Administration, the Congress

Elementary & Secondary Education Act, First Reauthorization Since 2002

This week the Senate is expected to complete action on the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), more commonly referred to as the No Child Left Behind Act since the last reauthorization in 2002.  The House approved the new version S. 1177, the Every Student Succeeds Act, on Tuesday with an overwhelming

AEI & Brookings Offer Up Poverty Solutions To Bridge Political Divide

On Thursday, December 3 the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and the Brookings Institution held a joint meeting to release a new paper and to discuss their joint proposal on Opportunity, Responsibility, and Security: A Consensus Plan for Reducing Poverty and Restoring the American Dream. The two-hour discussion focused on the consensus document that was crafted

Appropriations Discussions Ongoing and Uncertain

Appropriations decisions are likely to come to a head in the next ten days. The deadline before the government runs out of funding is December 11. While staffers and committee members continued to work on allocating funding between the 12 spending categories and various priorities within those 12 committee jurisdictions it is still unclear how

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