Prevent Child Abuse America & CWLA Paper Flags Low CAPTA Funding

On April 23, the Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) and Prevent Child Abuse America (PCA) released a new Capitol Hill brief, A Call to Action for the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act.  The paper highlights the fact that the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) provides an average of only 32 cents

Home Visiting and CHIP Extended For Two Years

Late last Tuesday the Senate gave final approval to the Medicare SRG “doc fix” and in doing so also extended by two years the home visiting program (Maternal and Infant Early Childhood Home Visiting—MIECHV) and the CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program).  The Senate followed the House in an overwhelming vote of approval by 92 to

HELP Committee Moves ESEA Legislation Out Of Committee

On Thursday, April 16 the Senate HELP Committee gave a unanimous vote of approval to a bipartisan bill to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).  The unnumbered bill is called the Every Child Achieves Act of 2015.  It would replace the current ESEA reauthorization more commonly known as the “No Child Left Behind

Tax Day, President Promotes Child Care Tax Credit, New Report Released

The President used April 15, tax day to highlight his proposed expansion of a child care expansion proposal first unveiled in January.  The President called for an expanded child care credit which is designed to compliment and wrap around federal child care funding.  The current child care tax credit would be expanded for families with

Letter In Support of SSBG Now Open For More Signatures

A letter that went to Capitol Hill on March 12, with more than 65 national organizations signing on in support of the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) has now been re-opened for signatures by state and local organizations, associations and governments. Sign up can be accessed here. The two budget resolutions being negotiated did not

Bipartisan Senate ESEA Legislation Released, Votes Start Tuesday

Late Tuesday, April 7, HELP Committee Chair and Ranking Member Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) released a bipartisan draft to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). The law more commonly known as the “No Child Left Behind Act” since its last reauthorization in 2002, will be taken up and

Doc Fix Would Extend Home Visiting, CHIP, Medicaid TMA, Teen Pregnancy

When the Senate returns it is hoped that they will quickly follow up on a March 26 approval by the House of Representatives to replace the Medicare SRG “doc fix” and also extend by two years two key programs: the home visiting program, MIECHV for two years and a two year extension of the CHIP

HHS Seeks Comments: CAPTA Guidance On Child Fatalities Disclosure

On March 31, ACF published a notice seeking public comments in the Federal Registry (80 FR 17045) on the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) in regard to public disclosure of findings or information about a case of child abuse or neglect which results in a child fatality or near fatality. The notice comes

Doc Fix Would Extend Home Visiting, CHIP, Medicaid TMA, Teen Pregnancy

On Thursday, March 26 the House of Representatives took up the SRG “doc fix” bill and passed it in overwhelming bipartisan fashion by a vote of 392 to 37. The legislation (HR 2), if enacted, will not only permanently replace what has become an almost annual ritual of supplanting the current provider payments through Medicare

Budget Resolutions Include Block Grants and Spending Cuts

The House of Representatives started the process last Tuesday when the Budget Committee unveiled its resolution.  It includes more than $5.5 trillion in cuts over 10 years.  It would do this by converting Medicaid into a block grant to states and reducing projected funding by $913 billion over that ten year period.  It would repeal

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