Maltreatment Prevention

House Appropriations Update

Last week, the House Appropriations subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (Labor H) fiscal year 2020 draft funding bill, the largest non-defense appropriations bill for Congress, advanced to the full committee for consideration. The total for non-defense discretionary (NDD) spending is $189.8 billion, an increase of $11.7 billion over the

CAPTA Hearing in House, Approps Letter Circulates

  On Tuesday, March 26, the Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Human Services of the House Education and Labor Committee will hold a hearing on the reauthorization of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA). The hearing entitled, Strengthening Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect, is expected to focus on the historic

Child on Child Sexual Abuse

  Kylie Hunter On March 21-22, 2019, the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) held a National Symposium titled “Out of the Shadows: Confronting the Rise of Child-on-Child Harmful Sexual Behavior” at Catholic University in Washington DC. This is the NCOSE’s third “Out of the Shadows” symposium, which focus on underrepresented issues in sexual exploitation.

New Champions of Child Abuse Prevention Step Forward

  On Tuesday, March 8, Congresswoman Kim Schrier (D-WA) and Congresswoman Lori Trahan (D-MA) began circulating a “Dear Colleague” letter to House offices seeking signers onto a letter to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor-HHS-Education requesting significant increases in CAPTA funding. CWLA members and other advocates can call or send an e-mail to their member

Hill Briefing: Cutting Child Poverty in Half Within A Decade

Tessa Buttram and Kylie Hunter CWLA President & CEO Chris James-Brown presented to Capitol Hill during a congressional briefing hosted by Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA), Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA) and Congressman Danny Davis (D-IL) titled “Cutting Child Poverty in Half within a Decade” held on Thursday, March 14, 2019. The briefing organized by the Child

Funding Increases Sought By CWLA, Others for CAPTA

A reauthorization of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) is still in the evolutionary stage but while talks and discussions are taking place, CWLA and others are seeking significant increases in CAPTA state grants and the CB-CAP program. The increase CWLA and others are seeking is $500 million for Title I of CAPTA

State of Babies Yearbook Unveiled on Capitol Hill

Shaquita Ogletree On Tuesday, February 26, 2019, Zero to Three and Child Trends held the Think Babies Policy Forum and announced the release of the State of Babies Yearbook: 2019. “The first three years of a child’s life shape every year that follows, and the state where a baby is born makes a big difference

CAPTA Reauthorization Coming in Weeks, Maybe Days

  A reauthorization of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) could move early this spring. Behind the scenes the key committees in the House and Senate have been working and discussing potential changes. The key committees are the House Education and Labor Committee and the Senate HELP Committee. Although Congress has added to

The State of Babies Yearbook 2019

Shaquita Ogletree The State of Babies Yearbook (The Yearbook), an initiative of the Think Babies campaign, created by Zero to Three and Child Trends is a tool that shows the well-being of babies in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The data illuminate the fact that what state a baby is born in

Reports & Hearings Outline Child Sexual Abuse at Federal Immigration Camps

Two House Committees: the Oversite Committee and the Judiciary Committee held hearings last week on family separation at the border. As part of those hearings there were reports that a significant number of children have been subjected to child sexual abuse while being cared for as unaccompanied minors. Figures released indicated that HHS has received

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