Maltreatment Prevention

CWLA Reaches Out to Freshman Class

This week CWLA reached out to the more than 100 new members of the 116th Congress with a child welfare background package of information including Investing in All of Child Welfare. This piece argues for investing in ALL of child welfare services: Child welfare’s continuum of care includes prevention of child abuse before it happens

Human Service Impact Climbs

The ongoing government shutdown is a mixed bag in terms of human services funding and which programs, and, by extension, people are most vulnerable. As part of the five appropriations bills that were signed on time last fall, the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Education and Department of Labor are all funded.

Child Trends Survey Shows State Child Welfare Spending Consistent with Past

This past December, Child Trends released a new survey of state child welfare spending based on 2016 state fiscal years. The biennial survey indicates that overall spending in combined federal, state and local child welfare dollars remained somewhat stable from the past survey (based on 2014) with spending up by 5 percent. But over ten

Child Trends Survey Shows Waivers Are Funding Traditional IV-E Services

The new Child Trends survey of state child welfare spending indicates that the overwhelming use of Title IV-E funding through Title IV-E waivers has been used for services that can be currently paid for under the current Title IV-E law. The funding totaled approximately $2 billion. According to the survey of 24 states providing data

Tribal Plans and Family First Services

In addition to last week’s HHS announcement on state guidance (ACYF-CB-PI-18-09) and a preliminary list of services (Attachment C) under the Family First Prevention Services Act (PL 115-123)—(FFA), the Children’s Bureau released guidance for Tribal agencies that are running their own Title IV-B and Title IV-E programs. The guidance, ACYF-CB-PI-18-10, varies and is more flexible

HHS Inspector General Examines Immigrant Facility

Last week the Inspector General for HHS released a new inspection report to Assistant Secretary Lynn Johnson that criticized conditions and practices at a Texas facility for unaccompanied children. The IG is in the process of inspecting 45 facilities. These inspections are in person and include records and documents check of the facilities. The facility

CWLA Submits Comments Opposing Public Charge Changes

Shaquita Ogletree On Friday, December 7, CWLA submitted comments in response to the proposed changes that would penalize immigrant families who seek assistance meeting their basic needs. The “public charge” test is designed to identify people who may depend on the government as their main source of support. On October 10, the Department of Homeland

Capitol Hill Briefing on Prevention of Child Abuse

Shaquita Ogletree On Tuesday, December 4, the American Psychological Association (APA) and Partners for Children co-hosted the congressional briefings on Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) in the House (a subsequent meeting was held on Wednesday, December 5th in the Senate). Child maltreatment affects a significant portion of our population. The briefing highlighted examples

HHS Releases First Guidance On Family First Services

Late Friday, The Administration on Children and Families released its first guidance and preliminary list of services for funding under the Family First Prevention Services Act (PL 115-123)—(FFA). The guidance at ACYF-CB-PI-18-09 gives an overview of some of the initial decisions made by HHS in the interpretation and implementation of the Family First Act. Included

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