Maltreatment Prevention

Administration Struggles Toward Family Reunification with 2500 More

As of this past weekend, it was unclear how many of the approximate 100 children under the age of five that had been reunited with parents. By last Tuesday’s deadline HHS was saying they had reunified over 50 of the approximate 100 children. Some of the reasons for failure to reunite children included parental failure

House Appropriations Committee: Labor-HHS Bill Passes Plus Poison Pills

On Thursday, July 12 the House Appropriations Committee passed their Labor-Health and Human Services and Education bill after two previous delays. Most of the votes cast were along party line with a great deal of the debate focused on immigration and family separation. In the end the bill was approved along party lines with several

HHS Opioids Study Looks at Economic and Geographic Trends

HHS has released a new study through the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) on opioids with this one focusing on the economic and geographic impact of the drug. The Opioid Crisis and Economic Opportunity: Geographic and Economic Trends Noting the background that is now regularly repeated that opioid use has

Court to Administration: Reunite Families This Month

On June 26, 2018, Judge Dana M. Sabraw, United States District Court for Southern California directed the Office of Refugee Resettlement, Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Border Control to reunite the more than 2000 children that have been separated from their children at the U.S. border. The Judge said that

Advocates Call for Congressional Oversight on Child Separation

A joint briefing by the YWCA and the Hispanic Heritage Foundation: A Report Back from the Border on Friday, June 29, provided a platform for advocates to call for congressional action. The panel discussion and remarks included Abel Nunez, CARECEN—Latino Resource and Justice Center, Maria Cardona, Latinovations, Maria Teresa Kumar, Vota Latino, Ranit Mishori, Global

Two Steps You Can Do For Children Separated

Before you send that e-mail or make that phone call to an advocacy or other children’s organization demanding action or you post on Facebook your opinions, TELL THE PRESIDENT AND CONGRESS as a constituent. Go to the CWLA Action Center. Enter your zip code and your two senators and member of Congress will pop up

HHS Seeks Applications for Regional Partnership Grants

HHS has announced that they are soliciting applications for Regional Partnership Grants (RPGs), which fund collaborations among child welfare agencies, substance abuse agencies, courts, and other community partners to improve the well-being of children affected by family substance use. This solicitation covers new funds that were included under the 2018 appropriations bill. These RPGs have

House Moves More Opioids Bills, Foster Youth Medicaid Fix In It

On Friday, June 22 the House of Representatives passed HR 6, the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act of 2018. That legislation will become a vehicle for a much larger package of legislation that addresses opioids and will eventually be sent to the Senate for action. For child welfare advocates, the bill includes legislation drafted

DeLauro: Immigration Policy is Child Abuse

On Wednesday, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) denounced the Administration’s “zero tolerance” policy in immigration enforcement as child abuse. DeLauro stood alongside nearly a dozen members of Congress on the front lawn of the Capitol for a press conference. The zero tolerance policy is an interpretation of an existing court agreement and settlement from 1997 (Flores

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