Maltreatment Prevention

Home Visiting Coalition Seeking National, State and Local Sign-Ons

The Home Visiting Coalition, which CWLA belongs to, is circulating a sign-on letter to congressional leaders urging Congress to act quickly to reauthorize the Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program for a period of five (5) years with a doubling of funding from $400 million annually to $800 million annually. The Coalition

Sexual Abuse Reporting Bill Moves Out of Committee

On Thursday, May 11, the Senate Judiciary passed the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse Act, S 534.  The legislation, endorsed by CWLA, would require mandated reporting of child abuse by amateur athletic governing bodies.  The legislation is an outgrowth of reports of sexual abuse of some past members of the USA Olympic Gymnastics teams.

2017 Budget Done, Who Won and What’s Next

The Senate gave final approval to an omnibus appropriations bill on Thursday, May 4.  The legislation was unveiled Monday and moved quickly through the process.  As a result, we are now finished with FY 2017 which ends on September 30, 2017. After the unveiling the fight turned to who won and who lost.  The President

Domestic Violence and Impact on Health and Well Being

On Tuesday May 2, there was a Capitol Hill briefing, Public Health Crisis: Solutions to Violence and Abuse focused on the impact of domestic violence over a lifetime. The briefing was cohosted by the National Health Collaborative on Violence and Abuse and Futures Without Violence. Speakers included representatives from the Centers on Disease Control and

CWLA Members Charged Up By Congressman Kennedy

On Wednesday, March 29, CWLA members gathered in Washington for the annual CWLA National Conference.  After the morning policy seminar members were charged up by Congressman Joseph Kennedy III (D-MA). The Congressman has become an outspoken champion of protecting the ACA in particular the expanded access to mental health and substance use treatment. In his

CWLA Members Head To Hill Post ACA Debate

On Wednesday, CWLA members will begin to gather in Washington DC for the annual CWLA National Conference.  The Conference located within walking distance of the Capitol Hill dome will allow the approximately 500 registrants to make their voices heard right during the intense debates on health care, budgets and other controversies. As part of the

President and Speaker Pull Plug on American Health Care Act

On Friday afternoon President Donald Trump and Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WS) pulled the American Health Care Act from a floor to prevent a vote that would have ended in defeat.  The loss came after a tumultuous week of changes to the bill just a few days earlier. Essentially Ryan could not come up with a

Senate Aging Committee Focuses on Opioid Addiction

On Tuesday, March 21, the Senate Special Committee on Aging, held a re-scheduled hearing on, Grandparents to the Rescue: Raising Grandchildren in the Opioid Crisis and Beyond. Committee Chairperson Susan Collins (R-ME) opened the hearing by pointing out that in her state of Maine nearly 1,000 or eight percent of all births – were born

Administration Budget Heavy On Cuts And Criticism

The President’s proposed budget for discretionary spending for 2018 landed with a crash as it includes dramatic cuts across agencies and departments as a way to pay for increases to the Pentagon. The proposal was released on Thursday, March16 and applies to the discretionary portion of federal spending with the rest to be published with

CWLA Sends Letter Opposing Health Care Proposal

On Tuesday, March 14, CWLA sent a letter to Capitol Hill opposing the American Health Care Act. Citing the new Congressional Budget Office analysis, in the letter, CWLA President and CEO Chris James-Brown points out the importance of expanded mental health and substance abuse services saying, “The availability of health care coverage through the Affordable

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