Maltreatment Prevention

HHS Seeks Comments: CAPTA Guidance On Child Fatalities Disclosure

On March 31, ACF published a notice seeking public comments in the Federal Registry (80 FR 17045) on the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) in regard to public disclosure of findings or information about a case of child abuse or neglect which results in a child fatality or near fatality. The notice comes

HHS Announces Pulling Of CAPTA Regulations

On Monday, March 30, the Administration for Children and Families announced that it is removing the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) regulations in their entirety effective June 29, 2015.   They are not seeking comments.  In their announcement they say: “These regulations no longer apply to the CAPTA programs they were originally designed to

Doc Fix Would Extend Home Visiting, CHIP, Medicaid TMA, Teen Pregnancy

On Thursday, March 26 the House of Representatives took up the SRG “doc fix” bill and passed it in overwhelming bipartisan fashion by a vote of 392 to 37. The legislation (HR 2), if enacted, will not only permanently replace what has become an almost annual ritual of supplanting the current provider payments through Medicare

Budget Resolutions Include Block Grants and Spending Cuts

The House of Representatives started the process last Tuesday when the Budget Committee unveiled its resolution.  It includes more than $5.5 trillion in cuts over 10 years.  It would do this by converting Medicaid into a block grant to states and reducing projected funding by $913 billion over that ten year period.  It would repeal

Efforts Moving Toward Fix of Doc Fix

Late last week congressional leaders from both parties announced what appear to be an agreement to eliminate the Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate (SRG) formula, what is commonly referred to as the “Medicare Doc Fix.”  It is expected that the legislation would also include an extension of some health related provisions included last year’s bill including

HHS Releases New Home Visiting Resources and Information

HHS through the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has unveiled new resources and information on the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV). The new information includes an Issue Brief  which begins to shed light on the significant impact that the program is having in just a few short years.  The number of

Hill Briefing Focuses On Childhood Exposure to Violence

The National Health Collaborative on Violence and Abuse (NHCVA) hosted a Capitol Hill briefing on Wednesday on the Impact of Exposure to Violence and Abuse on Children and Youth : Implications for Health and Education Policy. Dr Robert Block, University of Oklahoma and the American Academy of Pediatrics, focused on the ACEs (adverse childhood experiences)

Human Services Community Express Support For SSBG

On Friday, March 12, a number of groups spearheaded by the Child Welfare League of America, Generations United, the National Association of County Human Service Directors, Zero to Three, Easter Seals and the National Adult Protective Services Association, sent a letter to all members of Congress in support of the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG).

Senate Runs Into Roadblock on Trafficking-Justice Legislation

The Senate spent last week debating S 178, the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act but ran into major problems. S 178 attempts to establish new funding through the use of the Crime Victims Fund to provide services to victims of all human trafficking (not limited to sex trafficking), it also creates greater law enforcement

House Moves Funding Bill Next Challenge “Doc-Fix”

On Tuesday, the House, absent much debate, passed an appropriations bill that will fund the Department of Homeland Security through the rest of the fiscal year.  The action to adopt a “clean” bill—without any restrictions on the President’s executive order regarding immigration—was adopted 257 to 167 with Democrats providing the bulk of the vote (182

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