Healthy Growth & Development in Child Welfare

Full Budget This Week, Appropriation on Tap For Summer

The Biden Administration will release its first full budget on Thursday, May 27, 2021.  The release of the budget fills in the blanks from the broad overview the Administration released on April 9.  That document included the allocation between domestic (non-defense) spending at $769 billion and defense spending at $753 billion.  That amounts to a

CWLA Submits Testimony On Key Issues For House Committee

On May 12, 2021, the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Worker and Family Support held a hearing on "Making a Difference for Families and Foster Youth." The hearing was intended as a review of potential updates and changes to the two Title IV-B programs for reauthorization later this year.  CWLA submitted testimony for the record

Parental Ed Concerns for Children With Learning Disabilities Post-Pandemic

The nonprofit, Understood, that focuses on programs for families, educators, and young adults to better address learning and workplace disabilities released a survey last week that indicates that in the remote learning environment, nearly three-quarters (72%) of parents have become aware or noticed their children (with learning and thinking differences) have fallen behind during the

What CWLA Said About Education and Foster Care

In submitting our testimony to the House Subcommittee on Family and Worker Support this is what we said about education issues:   As we emerge from the pandemic, assessments will need to be made of the current and long-term impact of this crisis on every child’s education goals and attainment.  This is especially true of

Treasury Prepares for July 15 Start of Child Tax Credit (CTC)

On Monday, May 17, 2021, the US Department of Treasury (along with the Internal Revenue Service/IRS) announced that the first installment of the expanded CTC would start on July 15, 2021.  Treasury also announced that 88 percent of families would automatically receive the monthly payment. Approximately 39 million households will be covered and that translates

HELP Committee Shows Partisan Divide on Family and Medical Leave

On Tuesday, May 18, 2021, the Senate HELP Committee focused on proposals for expanded Family and Medical Leave and comments and statements by members showed a divide between Committee Democrats and Republicans.  Committee Chair, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) is sponsoring S 249, the Family and Medical Insurance Leave “FAMILY Act” (along with Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro

House Subcommittee Focus on Child Welfare During National Foster Care Month

The Ways and Means Subcommittee on Worker and Family Support held a hearing on "Making a Difference for Families and Foster Youth." The hearing was intended as a review of potential updates and changes to the two Title IV-B programs for reauthorization later this year.   The witnesses included William Bell, President and CEO, Casey

What Are the IV-B Programs?

There are two child welfare programs created under Title IV-B of the Social Security Act. Despite the call for flexible funding through child welfare, these two programs have been around for decades and provide very flexible child welfare funding, although neither program has had strong support and, in fact, been continuously cut since 2005.  

Let’s get more communities and families digitally connected

Reliable and affordable access to the internet is essential for everything from scheduling health care appointments to ensuring students have the necessary tools for remote learning. Unfortunately, people in the United States pay some of the highest prices in the world to access the internet. Lack of internet access, or the digital divide, has long

Join Us for CWLA’s 2021 Virtual Hill Day

There are three key points for CWLA members this week: Make the Child Tax Credit Permanent which would make the CTC fully refundable, even for low-income families. The Child Tax Credit is on track to be delivered monthly, starting in July 2021, by the IRS. Making the CTC permanent can lift more children above the poverty line

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