Healthy Growth & Development

Teens: 70 Percent See Anxiety and Depression as Major Problem

The Pew Research Center has released a new survey of teens which indicates that seventy percent of teenagers feel that anxiety and depression is a major problem among their peers. An additional 26 percent see it as a minor problem. The problem of anxiety and depression top all other concerns with bullying in second (55

HHS Studies Impact of ACA, Mental Health Parity & Opioid Use on Treatment

A new study by HHS’ Assitant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) Use of Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorders in Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance: Final Report, shows some positive results as far as treatment coverage likely due to recent changes in the nation’s health care laws including the Affordable Care Act and the Mental Health

House Looks at Homelessness in America

by Tessa Buttram On Wednesday, February 13, 2019, the House Financial Services Committee held a hearing entitled, “Homeless in America: Examining the Crisis and Solutions to End Homelessness.” This was the first hearing of the Committee in the 116th Congress. Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) began the hearing by providing an overview on homelessness in the

New Report Released on Youth Homelessness in America

  by Nick Cervone On February 13th, the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty (the Law Center) and National Network for Youth (NN4Y) released Alone without a Home: A National Review of State Laws Affecting Unaccompanied Youth, a report concerning the 700,000 minors that experience homelessness every year in America. These minors are identified

New York Agency CEO Speaks Out Against Discrimination Waiver

On February 9, the head of New York City’s JJCA child welfare agency, penned an opinion piece in the Capitol Hill publication, The Hill, calling out an HHS decision to waive anti-discrimination regulations in child welfare placements. CEO Ronald E Richter denounced the recent decision by the Administration to issue the waiver arguing that there

RFK Resource Center: Probation System Review Guidebook, 3rd Edition

The Robert F. Kennedy National Resource for Juvenile Justice has just released the Probation System Review Guidebook, 3rd Edition to support the transformation of probation and juvenile justice policy and practice in your jurisdiction. This new resource features the seminal framework that the RFK National Resource Center has used in partnership with twenty-five jurisdictions across

House Members Call Out HHS on SC Waiver; Lawsuit Filed by Group

On Wednesday, February 13, 95 Members of the House signed a letter to Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar criticizing the Departments decision to grant a waiver to South Carolina from nondiscrimination provisions of the federal child welfare programs. A few days later Americans United filed a lawsuit against HHS. The House of

CNAY: Champions for Change Youth

Each year, the Center for Native American Youth (CNAY) honors five inspirational Champions for Change. This year’s event took place at the Aspen Institute in Washington DC on Tuesday, February 12. The recognition goes to advocates on such issues as improving child welfare systems, decolonizing education standards, and supporting victims of sexual assault. Former Senator

ICWA Opposition File Briefs

On Tuesday, January 16, an impressive array of state and national organizations joined in support of Tribal nations and representatives in defense of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and last week the opposition submitted their arguments. The response was more limited to the State Plaintiffs’-Appellees’ Response Brief (Texas, Indian and Louisiana); Individual Plaintiffs’-Appellees’ Response

CDC Says Youth Tobacco Use Rising

Last week the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a report on the status of U.S. youth and tobacco use. The results were not good. The CDC found more than 1 in 4 high school students and nearly 1 in 14 middle school students had used tobacco products in the past 30 days.

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