Youth Awareness and Prevention On Opioids

Shaquita Ogletree On May 22, the Hill newspaper sponsored another of their series of forums on opioids, America’s Opioid Epidemic: Youth Awareness & Prevention. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) spoke about her state having the highest opioid death rate per capita in the United States and how the state is struggling with the multiple families

House Republican Leaders Push Back on DACA

Last Wednesday, May 16, House Republican leaders, led by Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) warned off members against a discharge vote on DACA. He told members in a closed door meeting that was widely reported that if the election were held now House Republicans would hold the House but if they pushed a vote on

HRC Releases Survey-Study of LGBTQ Youth

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has released a 2018 LGBTQ Youth Report. The report is based on a survey of more than 12,000 young people aged 13 through 17. The survey was conducted in 2017 by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation and researchers at the University of Connecticut. The report states, “Parents and families play

House Appropriations Adopts Funding Cuts To Juvenile Justice

Shaquita Ogletree A House Appropriations Subcommittee approved a fiscal year 2019 Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS) Appropriations bill (32-19) last week. The bill contains $62.5 billion in total discretionary funding for CJS programs, an increase of $2.9 billion from FY18 levels. CJS Subcommittee Chairman John Culberson stated that the increase in fiscal 2019 bill ensures investments

Helping Children of Incarcerated Parents and Children in Foster Care

Shaquita Ogletree The Brookings Institution hosted a briefing for the release of the latest issue of the Future of Children, “Reducing Justice Inequality” with a policy brief – “Helping Children with Parents in Prison and Children in Foster Care.” The event held on Wednesday, May 9, included an overview of the latest journal issue, recommendations

CWLA Joins Groups Opposing DOJ Efforts to Remove LGBTQ Data

  CWLA has joined several other groups in a letter and opposition to the Department of Justice (DOJ) proposal to eliminate some important new criminal justice data. The Bureau of Justice Statistics’ (BJS) has proposed the removal of sexual orientation and gender identity questions. The announcement was listed in the Federal Register on April 11.

Dreamers Describe Their Hopes to CWLA Gathering

A group of young people, as part of United We Dream, inspired a CWLA crowd at Thursday morning’s plenary, to go to Capitol Hill in support of fixing the current DACA gridlock by passing the DREAMERS Act. Sanaa Abrar, Policy Director for United We Dream was joined on the panel by Claudia Quinonez, Gerson Quinteros,

Voices of Youth Study: Increased Homelessness Threat to LGBTQ Youth

On Wednesday, April 25 Voices of Youth Count released a new study on the increased vulnerability for homelessness for LGBTQ youth. The latest study, LGBTQ Youth Homelessness in America, determined that LGBTQ young people are most at risk of youth subpopulations for homelessness. The survey of 18 to 25-year-old young adults found that, in the

Child Welfare League Legislative Agenda

Part of the CWLA National Conference includes the release of CWLA 2018 legislative agenda and supporting materials on the reauthorization of the JJDPA, preservation of SSBG, preserving the ACA and Medicaid, the dangers of block grants, but the main talking points for Capitol Hill will focus on greater funding through the Title IV-B programs to

CWLA Conference Set For This Week

The CWLA National Conference starts this week. The opening takes place on Thursday, April 26, but there will be a preview event for state advocates and CWLA members going to Capitol Hill on Wednesday afternoon, April 25, the National Advocacy Leaders Convening. The Wednesday session includes a discussion with Associate Commissioner of the Children’s Bureau

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