Dream Act Introduced

The Dream Act of 2017 has been introduced in the Senate by Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC). Called the United We Dream Act, it would offer a route to permanent legal status for millions of undocumented immigrant youth. The bill comes as ten Attorneys General sent a letter to Donald Trump

Young People Talk About Current Experiences in Foster Care

On Wednesday, June 7, the Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth, along with Florida-based Camelot Community Care, hosted a discussion, REAL kids, REAL voices, REAL time – Roundtable Discussion by Youth in Foster Care. The discussion focused on the experiences of nine young people in foster care. The hour-long dialogue included question and answers by Tavyla

New Website-Resource Focuses on Youth in Foster Care and Juvenile Justice

Last week, the American Youth Policy Forum unveiled a new web-based resource center called Understanding Foster, Juvenile Justice, and Crossover Youth. The site is part of an effort to educate policy-makers on the needs of foster care, juvenile justice, and crossover youth. The hope is that it will serve as a quick, easy-to-read overview of

Budget Targets Billions In Vital Funding

The Administration released their full 2018 budget on Tuesday, May 23, titled A New Foundation for American Greatness. The good news is that they do not propose converting Title IV-E into a block grant and most of the core discretionary funding for specific child welfare programs is at the same level as 2017.  The bad

Congressman Davis Introduces Bill on Teen Pregnancy and Foster Youth

On Thursday, May 25, Congressman Danny Davis (D-IL) introduced new legislation that attempts to develop and promote strategies to reduce the rate of teen and unplanned pregnancies within the foster care population. The legislation, which has been endorsed by CWLA, is called the Supporting Foster Youth in Successful Parenting Act of 2017, would direct states

Budget Cuts Funding for Evidence-Based Teen Pregnancy Reduction

The new Davis bill addressing an important need comes on the heels of an Administration budget that cuts a key program that promotes evidence-based teen pregnancy reduction programs. The budget includes the elimination of the evidence-based Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Program, currently funded at $101 million. Ginny Ehrlich, CEO of the National Campaign to Prevent

House Moves Juvenile Justice Reauthorization

On Tuesday, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 1809, the Juvenile Justice Reform Act of 2017.  The bill was adopted on a voice vote reflecting the bipartisan sponsors that they can get a reauthorization done this year.  The bill was introduced by Congressman Jason Lewis (R-MN) and House Education and Workforce Ranking Member, Congressman Bobby

Subcommittee Looks at Disconnected Youth, Could Set Up Budget Cuts

On Wednesday, the House Subcommittee on Human Resources conducted an oversight hearing labeled, Opportunities for Youth and Young Adults to Break the Cycle of Poverty.  The hearing focused on private and non-profit strategies to move young people into the education and workforce systems.  Subcommittee Chair Adrian Smith (R-NE) said, “There is an alarming trend happening

Financial Literacy and Youth in Foster Care

Last week the Senate Caucus on Foster Youth held a panel presentation and discussion on, Financial Literacy and Consumer Credit Issues facing Transition-Age Youth. Participants included: Carol Behrer, Executive Director of the Youth Policy Institute of Iowa (YPII) a state organization focused on improving youth policy and practice, particularly as it relates to system-involved and

Congress May Take Another Go At JJDPA

Just before the spring recess committees in both houses took a go at moving a reauthorization of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Protection Act (JJDPA). The last time the JJDPA was reauthorized was in 2002 with the current programs operating without an authorization since 2007.   In July 2016, the Senate Judiciary Committee had taken the

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