SSI and Youth With Disabilities

On Tuesday, December 2, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and the Brookings Institution sponsored a briefing, Helping youth with disabilities flourish: Improving outcomes for children in the Supplemental Security Income program.” The briefing focused on the issue of disabled children and youth on Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and their transition to adulthood with the discussion

CWLA Hosts Listening Session on Financial Issues for Youth

On Monday, November 17 the Child Welfare League of America worked with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to sponsor a session in Virginia to discuss issues of financial challenges for youth in foster care. The event was held in Fairfax Virginia at the ICF offices and included CWLA members from Virginia and Maryland. The

IM Issued On Cross Between Child Welfare and Runaway Youth

On November 4, the Children’s Bureau (CB) and the Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) released ACYF-CB/FYSB-IM-14-1, an informational memorandum that provides oversight and guidance on youth who run from foster care and come in contact with runaway and homeless youth programs.  Noting that youth age 12 through 17 move between the two federally funded

Your Money, Your Goals: Toolkit For Youth in Foster Care

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau continues to work on creating resources targeted at assisting human services staff, including child welfare staff, address some of the financial barriers confronted by disadvantage populations including youth in foster care. Your Money, Your Goals is a toolkit that social services organizations can use to help their clients set goals,

CWLA Testimony Submitted To The House Education and the Workforce Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Youth and Families For The Hearing On Juvenile Justice And Delinquency Prevention Act: Preventing Juvenile Crime At School And In The Community

March 18, 1999 The Child Welfare League of America is a membership association of over 1,000 public and private, non-profit agencies throughout the country. Our member agencies serve some three million children, youth, and families every year, many of whom confront significant challenges including adjudication, incarceration or other involvement with the justice system.

CWLA Testimony Submitted To The House Judiciary Subcommittee On Crime For The Hearing On Putting Consequences Back Into Juvenile Justice at the Federal, State, And Local Levels

March 10 & 11, 1999 The Child Welfare League of America is a membership association of over 1,000 public and private, non-profit agencies throughout the country. Our member agencies serve some three million children, youth, and families every year, many of whom confront significant challenges including adjudication, incarceration or other involvement with the

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