
Children’s Budget Shows Some Improvements

On November 3, 2021, First Focus on Children hosted the Children’s Budget Summit to highlight the release of their 15th annual Children’s Budget Analysis. Over the last 10 years, the Children’s Budget analysis has documented federal spending for children. Typically, this means watching federal spending for children be cut at a high rate. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic caused devastation across the world, Congress was compelled to make investments in early childhood, child care, education, family

CWLA Joins Group Over 300 in Child Care Support

CWLA joined over 300 other state and national organizations in calling on Congressional leadership to support the historic inclusion of the child care and pre-kindergarten expansions in the Build Back Better plan. The groups tell Congress:   “The historic investment and policies outlined in the framework would support the transformative work of building a strong,

HHS Overdose Prevention Strategy

On Tuesday, November 2, 2021, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra announced an HHS Overdose Prevention Strategy. That strategy includes a four-pronged effort around primary prevention, evidence-based treatment, harm reduction and recovery support. Each category of the strategy outlines what HHS is doing in the respective areas. Under prevention one of the efforts focus on reducing the

CDC Report: Suicides Down in 2020

A new CDC report, Vital Statistics Report showed a slight decrease in suicides in 2020 in comparison to 2019.  The year 2020 had 45,855 suicides which was 3 percent lower than in 2019 (47,511). The largest percentage difference between monthly numbers for 2019 and 2020 occurred in April, where the provisional number in 2020 (3,468)

Underrepresentation in Census Could Short Some States: Urban Institute

Last week the Urban Institute released an analysis of what they see as a census undercount with certain states suffering from that undercount. One potential impact of the 2020 pandemic was the impact on the 2020 Census. According to the analysis the undercount was not as severe as expected, but there were problems as far

Reconciliation Bill

Early on Thursday, October 28, 2021, the White House released a new final framework for the reconciliation bill, the President’s Build Back Better agenda. The rest of the day was spent working out details and strategies with the end game still not finalized. The good news for the President was that the House Progressive Caucus

Davis-Walorski Bill Extending 2021 Chafee Provisions Passes House

Last Tuesday, October 26, 2021, Congressman Danny Davis (D-IL) and Congresswoman Jackie Walorski (R-IN) introduced a new bill (HR 5661) to extend the temporary relief for youth exiting foster care. On Wednesday it passed the House by a fast-track voice vote. The December 2020 Covid-19 relief package included flexibility in certain programmatic services for Chafee-eligible

October is National Adoption Month

November is National Adoption Month and this year’s theme is Every Conversation Matters. Every Conversation Matters is about engaging youth in permanency plans through open conversations about adoption, asking youth their perspectives, and understanding their journey. Honoring of adoption began in 1976 when Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis declared an Adoption Week to spread awareness about

Campaign for Legal Representation Kicks Off

On Monday, October 25, 2021, the National Association of Counsel for Children (NACC) started a new campaign, Counsel for Kids. According to a statement by the organization, “With 673,000 children navigating America's child welfare courts every year and enduring concerns about unequal access to justice, today the National Association of Counsel for Children (NACC) launches

How the Working Poor and Working Class Fared Since the Great Recession

On October 27, 2021, the Institute for Research on Poverty held a webinar titled, “How Have the Working Poor and Working Class Fared Since the Great Recession?” The event featured work from the new volume of the ANNALS of American Academy of Political and Social Science. The volume covers a broad range of issues that

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