Interstate Compact Bill Reintroduced

Senator Todd Young (R-IN) is reintroducing the Modernizing the Interstate Placement of Children in Foster Care Act.  Referred to by some as the NEICE bill, standing for the National Electronic Interstate Compact Enterprise project, the legislation was included in last year's Families First Act.  It would provide some small amount of funding to states to

RAND Study Highlight Impact of Up-Front and Prevention Efforts

The Rand Corporation has come up with a new study of a model of care that they say can address both prevention and child welfare treatment.  It focuses on investments into three elements of this model: prevention of child maltreatment, family preservation and supported kinship care.  In turn this can reduce overall costs and the

Groups In Support of SSBG Gear Up for Proposed Budget Cut

If you haven’t seen it before, a coalition group including CWLA has sent Capitol Hill a letter of support of SSBG that will serve as a reminder to Capitol Hill on the importance of SSBG if the Tuesday budget includes its elimination.  The letter includes more than 75 national organizations and organizations and agencies from

2017 Budget Done, Who Won and What’s Next

The Senate gave final approval to an omnibus appropriations bill on Thursday, May 4.  The legislation was unveiled Monday and moved quickly through the process.  As a result, we are now finished with FY 2017 which ends on September 30, 2017. After the unveiling the fight turned to who won and who lost.  The President

President’s EO Religious on Placement Discrimination Held Back Again

The President issued an executive order last Thursday that was intended to address the goals of his more conservative religious base by providing greater “religious freedom,” but after earlier initial reports, he did not include language that would allow for discrimination in the placement of children in foster and adoptive homes. A draft that had

The 5th National GrandRally

The 5th National GrandRally is coming in a few days and registration is still open! The GrandRally for grandparents and other relatives raising children will be on May 10, 2017 on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. It is an opportunity to elevate for Members of Congress and the public the critical

Senate Aging Committee Focuses on Opioid Addiction

On Tuesday, March 21, the Senate Special Committee on Aging, held a re-scheduled hearing on, Grandparents to the Rescue: Raising Grandchildren in the Opioid Crisis and Beyond. Committee Chairperson Susan Collins (R-ME) opened the hearing by pointing out that in her state of Maine nearly 1,000 or eight percent of all births – were born

Groups From All 50 States Support SSBG

A coalition group including CWLA has sent Capitol Hill an updated letter of support of SSBG on Thursday.  The letter includes more than 75 national organizations and organizations and agencies from all fifty states. CWLA has created a new resource on the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG). The new resource are state-by-state fact sheets found

SSBG Factsheets Now Available

CWLA has created a new resource on the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG). The new resource are state-by-state fact sheets found on the advocacy site as a separate tab.  Each state    there is a sheet that provides a simple description of how much a state receives in SSBG-human services funding and gives a broad view

CWLA Continues Vigilance on E.O. for Discrimination in Placement  

As reported last week the Trump Administration is considering an executive order that will “respect religious freedom” and could be so broad that it will allow the discrimination in the placement of children in adoptive, foster and kinship placements. It would extend these provisions beyond religious or faith based agencies to “any organization” including for-profit

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