Placement & Permanency

New Report Released on Youth Homelessness in America

  by Nick Cervone On February 13th, the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty (the Law Center) and National Network for Youth (NN4Y) released Alone without a Home: A National Review of State Laws Affecting Unaccompanied Youth, a report concerning the 700,000 minors that experience homelessness every year in America. These minors are identified

New York Agency CEO Speaks Out Against Discrimination Waiver

On February 9, the head of New York City’s JJCA child welfare agency, penned an opinion piece in the Capitol Hill publication, The Hill, calling out an HHS decision to waive anti-discrimination regulations in child welfare placements. CEO Ronald E Richter denounced the recent decision by the Administration to issue the waiver arguing that there

House Members Call Out HHS on SC Waiver; Lawsuit Filed by Group

On Wednesday, February 13, 95 Members of the House signed a letter to Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar criticizing the Departments decision to grant a waiver to South Carolina from nondiscrimination provisions of the federal child welfare programs. A few days later Americans United filed a lawsuit against HHS. The House of

ICWA Opposition File Briefs

On Tuesday, January 16, an impressive array of state and national organizations joined in support of Tribal nations and representatives in defense of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and last week the opposition submitted their arguments. The response was more limited to the State Plaintiffs’-Appellees’ Response Brief (Texas, Indian and Louisiana); Individual Plaintiffs’-Appellees’ Response

Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act Reintroduced

Jay Williams On Wednesday, January 30, Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY) reintroduced the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act (S.274), similar to legislation he sponsored along with Congressman Mike Kelly (R-PA) last year. The legislation, which CWLA does not support, would require HHS to penalize state child welfare agencies who are found in violation of “provider inclusion”

Administration to Request Authority to Expand Discrimination Language

Building on efforts such as the Enzi legislation, a report in the Washington Post last week says that the President’s coming FY 2020 budget will request language to expand its authority to allow discrimination on the basis of religious beliefs. The Post article states “In a 2020 draft budget request that has not been made

HHS Issues Waiver on Religious Discrimination

On Wednesday, January 23, the Department of Health and Human Services issued a long-delayed decision that grants a child welfare agency in the state of South Carolina a waiver from anti-discrimination requirements under Title IV-E foster care and adoption assistance. The action permits one child welfare agency, Miracle Hill, to continue restricting their recruitment practices

TANF Extension Passes Senate, President Expected to Sign

The President has signed an extension of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant. The action was on track before the temporary reprieve from the government shutdown was agreed to last Friday. On Tuesday, January 22, the Senate passed the short term extension, HR 430. The bill extends the block grant through June

CWLA Reaches Out to Freshman Class

This week CWLA reached out to the more than 100 new members of the 116th Congress with a child welfare background package of information including Investing in All of Child Welfare. This piece argues for investing in ALL of child welfare services: Child welfare’s continuum of care includes prevention of child abuse before it happens

CWLA Joins Many Others in Support of Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)

On Tuesday, January 16, an impressive array of state and national organizations joined in support of Tribal nations and representatives in defense of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA). The briefs were filed with the Fifth Circuit in response to a ruling by a judge late last year. The Amicus Brief by national organizations was

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