Placement & Permanency

No Change On Families First Act As Fall Session Winds Down

There was no news regarding the passage of the Family First Prevention Services Act, (HR 5456, Conference Report 114-628) as time in this session winds down to a pre-election pause. There were on-going discussions regarding potential amendments and verbal or written assurances to fix the legislation but there did not seem to be any clear

Shrinking Spending For Children, Child Welfare: 2 Percent of 10 Percent

On Tuesday, September 20, the Urban Institute was the scene for a discussion of the 10th annual report on how federal spending for children’s programs is doing in Washington DC budgeting. The Kids Share  Report and a panel discussion that accompanied the release of the report suggests that children are not doing well, at least

Intervention Vs Prevention

 A potential long-term result of the current debate on the Families First Prevention Services Act is the pitting of the need for front end prevention of child maltreatment against the need for intervention services that prevent foster care.  In reality true comprehensive reform of the nation’s child welfare systems requires both of these vastly underfunded

House Resolution Recognizes September as Kinship Care Month

On Wednesday, September 14, Congressperson Karen Bass (D-CA) introduced H.Res. 867  recognizing September as National Kinship Care Month. The effort to recognize September as National Kinship Care month has been actively promoted for several years by key leaders for kinship care including the New York State Kinship Navigator program.  This year and in the past

Right to Counsel for Vulnerable Children Raised on Hill

On Monday, September 12, groups including First Focus, the Children’s Advocacy Institute, the National Association of Counsel for Children, and the American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law conducted a briefing on the need for greater and required legal protection for children across a number of legal systems. The focus of the briefing

Waiting on Families First Act, Time Running Short

There was little progress to report in regard to the passage of the Family First Prevention Services Act, (HR 5456, Conference Report 114-628). Its only path forward would appear to be a voice vote in the Senate with perhaps some assurances from sponsors and other parties to interpret the legislation in a way that will

GAO Report on Tribes: APPLA and Need for Resources

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has issued a new report on how tribal governments are addressing the eventual restrictions on the foster care placement category of “another planned permanent living arrangement” or APPLA for youth in foster care. The report, Most Tribes Do Not Anticipate Challenges with Case Goal Changes, but HHS Could Further Promote

Legislation Targets Strategies To Assist Foster Youth

In recent weeks two bills have been introduced that attempt to assist youth in foster care and while the bills are being introduced late in this Congress they set a marker for future action in the next Congress. Last week Congressman Jim McDermott (D-WA) was joined by a group of bipartisan legislators in introducing a

Congress Back: Now What on Families First ?

Congress is back.  The long congressional summer break provided time for several webinars and conference calls for what is shaping up as two sides on the passage of the Family First Prevention Services Act, (HR 5456, Conference Report 114-628). Congress left in July with several senators placing “holds” against moving the legislation by voice vote. 

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