Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention


November is National Adoption Month—a time to recognize the importance of family and lift up the voices of youth in foster care. This National Adoption Month, we’re joining the Every Child Deserves a Family campaign to advocate for an end to discrimination in child welfare. Too often, youth in care are denied loving, identity-affirming homes

The High Price of Child Care

In the United States, the high price of child care remains a burden on many American families, regardless of marital status and income. This is extremely troubling considering the benefits of high-quality child care to parents and caregivers and their children. On October 23, 2019 Child Care Aware® of America held a briefing on their

Davis Introduces Home Visiting Expansion Legislation

Last week Congressman Danny Davis introduced HR 4768, the Home Visiting to Reduce Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Act. The legislation will increase funding for the home visiting program, the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program. The Davis bill will increase funding from the current $400 million in mandatory funding to $600 million

2020 Appropriations: Cloudy With a Chance of Shutdown

Despite Congress’s return this past week, the fate of the FY 2020 budget is no clearer. With FY 2020 appropriations expiring on November 21, reports in Washington media outlets, including the Washington Post, indicate that the President has drawn a line in the sand over his desire to have more funding for the Mexico-U.S. border

Breaking Intergenerational Cycles of Domestic Violence and Trauma

On October 16, 2019, the YWCA held a briefing entitled Breaking Intergenerational Cycles of Domestic Violence and Trauma, which featured community-level panelists representing YWCA programs across the nation. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) spoke about his work with Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) to reauthorize the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA), which aims to provide

CAPTA Days of Action

Tuesday, October 15 from 2pm to 3pm is the final #CAPTA Day of Action – take 5 minutes to show your support on social media and encourage others to take action for CAPTA and CAPTA reauthorization. In addition to raising awareness throughout your network, Twitter is a great way to contact your elected officials. Be

Call Congress TODAY to Retain the House Funding for CAPTA in Labor-H Bill

Click here to Call/Email Your Members of Congress House and Senate Appropriators are working now to finalize funding levels for FY2020. During these negotiations, it is critical that we let them know the importance of funding for the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA). Hearing from constituents can make a difference but we need

Child Sexual Abuse is More Accessible Today Because of the Internet

Child sexual abuse is preventable, yet the last decade the number of children exploited over the internet has grown substantially, and the federal government, technology companies, law enforcement, and the community-at-large are not doing enough to prevent, stop, or reduce the problem. The New York Times article, “The Internet Is Overrun with Images of Child

Court Upholds Flores Protections: New Regulations Violate Rule of Law

On Friday, September 27, 2019, Judge Dolly Gee, slapped down the Trump Administration’s attempt to replace the Flores protections for immigrant children and their families through regulation. The Judge flat-out declared it a violation of the law. In her closing statement of the ruling Judge Gee of the U.S. District Court for the Central District

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