Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention

Congress Oks $4.6 Billion in Border Relief, Not Without Divisions

Congress gave final approval to a border funding bill totaling approximately $4.6 billion negotiated between Senate Republicans and Democrats. The final bill approved in the House by a vote of 305 to 102 included a mix of Democrats and Republicans. Many House Democrats were unhappy about the fact that, earlier in the week, a Democrats-only

Other Actions on Immigration

Last week the Child Welfare League of America endorsed and signed onto a national letter of support for two bills by Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA) that would extend protections and rights to children and families that have been separated by U.S. immigration policies. The two bills are the Humane Enforcement and Legal Protections (HELP) for

State Snapshot on Child Care Funding in America

Child Care Aware of America released their 2019 report CCDBG: 2019 State Snapshots. This report analyzes each state’s use of the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG), one of the most important subsidies for low-income families that allows access to subsidized child care. In 2018, Congress reached a budget deal that almost doubled the

Immigration Issues Boiling Again

Immigration was heating up again last week from its slow boil to full steam on two fronts. The President created tremendous anxiety with the advocacy and certainly the immigration communities when he tweeted his desire for more raids and deportations. On Thursday, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) was holding a hearing on his

Over 100 Organization Call on Administration to Support Children in ORR Recreational & Educational Services

On Tuesday, June 11, more than 100 children and youth organizations, including CWLA, released a letter to the Administration demanding they maintain educational and recreational programming for minors in Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) facilities. The Trump Administration announced it had decided to suspend educational and recreational services for unaccompanied migrant children and youth in

Right to Counsel in Child Welfare Dependency Cases

  On Tuesday, June 4, the Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth sponsored briefing on Right to Counsel in Child Abuse and Neglect Dependency. The focus of this meeting was to educate individuals about the importance of high-quality legal representation for children and parents. The five panelists included Frank Utomo and Levi Zwick-Tapley, former foster care

AEI Discusses Technology in Child Welfare

On Wednesday, June 5, AEI hosted the panel Big data, little kids: How technology is changing child welfare to inform participants about the lagging technology used in the child welfare system and present some ways to utilize technology to make the system more effective. The panel consisted of Thea Ramirez, Founder and CEO of Adoption-Share;

House Passes Bipartisan CAPTA

On Monday, May 20, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 2480 – Stronger Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) by voice vote and now it heads to the Senate. It proposes robust funding increases for states and local communities to implement strategies and programs that prevents child abuse is critical to strengthen families and

Supporting Foster Families in the Time of Opioids Through Court Teams

On Wednesday May 22, the Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth and Congressional Baby Caucus sponsored a Capitol Hill briefing on “Supporting Foster Families in the Time of Opioids” The focus of the briefing was infant-toddler court team models that have shown great success in helping families remain together with their infants and toddlers. The four

Flexibility Remains After Waivers If SSBG Survives

While there is much debate in the child welfare world regarding the fate of expiring waivers for approximately half the states, a more significant source of state flexibility continues to be under assault in the Administrations’ budget: the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG). While representatives of the administration tout their current budget proposal that would

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