Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention

CWLA Submits Comments on TANF Reauthorization

On Friday, July 24, CWLA submitted comments to the House Ways and Means subcommittee on Human Resources regarding the TANF reauthorization draft. The Subcommittee released a draft reauthorization bill for comment before a hearing held earlier this month. The CWLA comments focused mainly on the proposed changes the draft is advancing. The emphasis of the

Senate-House Labor-HHS Selective Cuts and Targets

While much of children’s and child welfare programs were level in funding there were some key targets and cuts.  This included the Senate elimination of the Abandoned Infants funding (zeroed out all $11 million) and both the House and Senate made severe cuts to teen pregnancy prevention. See budget chart here. The Administration in their

Supreme Court Upholds Child Abuse Evidence Via Mandatory Reporter

On Thursday, June 18 the Supreme Court upheld the use of a child’s comments to a mandatory child abuse reporter (a teacher) in the trial of his abuser.  The ruling Ohio V Clark  was 9 to 0 with Justice Alito writing the main opinion with a separate opinion by Thomas and a third opinion by

Groups Release Recommendations on Protecting Children from Trauma

On Tuesday, May 20 more than a dozen groups led by Futures Without Violence released their new recommendations called, Safe, Healthy and Ready to Learn: Policy recommendations to ensure children thrive in supportive communities free from violence and trauma. The recommendations focus on seven goals: *     invest early in parents and young children; *     help

Briefing Highlights Economics of Prevention

On Thursday, May 14, The National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives (NPSC) sponsored a Capitol Hill briefing with speakers who focused on the economics of prevention. Much of the discussion focused on the use of Social Impact Bonds (SIB) and Pay for Success (PFS) strategies including legislation to support this performance-based financing of prevention.

Brookings Discussion Talks Prevention and Financing

The Brookings Institution was the setting this past Tuesday, May 5 for a discussion "Can States Improve Children's Health by Preventing Abuse and Neglect". As part of discussion there was a new release of The Future of Children from Princeton and the Brookings Institution: Policies to Promote Child Health. Although the focus of the discussion

CWLA Recognizes Congressional Advocates on Children’s Issues

CWLA recognized three members of Congress for their advocacy and work over the past year.  Senator Patty Murray was recognized on Monday as a Congressional Champion for her on going work on behalf of children.  As the Ranking Member of the Senate HELP Committee and as a member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor-HHS-Education

Prevent Child Abuse America & CWLA Paper Flags Low CAPTA Funding

On April 23, the Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) and Prevent Child Abuse America (PCA) released a new Capitol Hill brief, A Call to Action for the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act.  The paper highlights the fact that the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) provides an average of only 32 cents

Home Visiting and CHIP Extended For Two Years

Late last Tuesday the Senate gave final approval to the Medicare SRG “doc fix” and in doing so also extended by two years the home visiting program (Maternal and Infant Early Childhood Home Visiting—MIECHV) and the CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program).  The Senate followed the House in an overwhelming vote of approval by 92 to

Letter In Support of SSBG Now Open For More Signatures

A letter that went to Capitol Hill on March 12, with more than 65 national organizations signing on in support of the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) has now been re-opened for signatures by state and local organizations, associations and governments. Sign up can be accessed here. The two budget resolutions being negotiated did not

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