Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention

Treasury Releases Study Child Care

Last Wednesday, September 15, 2021, the United States Department of Treasury released a study on the significance of child care to the U.S. economy and to families. The report, The Economics of Child Care Supply in the United States, indicated that for an average family with at least one child under age 5, approximately 13 percent

Title IV-E Funding for Family-Based Substance Use Disorders Facilities

ASPE released a new brief, How Some States Use Title IV-E Foster Care Funding for Family-based Facilities that Treat Substance Use Disorders, highlighting four states, California, Minnesota, Montana, and Utah. The Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) allows states to claim reimbursement from the federal title IV-E foster care program for foster care maintenance payments

House Committees Begin Work on Reconciliation

Last week the House Ways and Means Committee and other committees began to work on their parts of the reconciliation package. The Ways and Means Committee began work on their version of family and medical leave, trade, retirement, and Medicare expansion, but they have left other actions for this week. The House Education and Labor started their work

Early Findings CTC Cutting Food Insecurity

An August analysis based on Census data released after the first Child Tax Credit (CTC) was issued in July indicated that the percentage of American families with kids who report not having enough to eat fell dramatically. The data offer proof that the monthly payments are having a major and immediate impact on millions of households.  

House Committee Moves on Child Care and Head Start Expansions

On Thursday, September 9, 2021, the House Education and Labor Committee began their work on that Committee’s reconciliation instruction. A key part of their effort is the expansion of child care, pre-kindergarten, and Head Start.   The Committee draft starts out with child care funding that would be provided on a sliding scale. Families making

Rental Assistance is Available to Help Renters and Landlords

Dear CWLA Champions: Please share this information with you clients, staff, and networks! If you’re a renter having trouble paying your rent, utilities, or other housing costs – or if you’re a landlord trying to stay afloat with tenants in this situation – help may be available. State and local programs are distributing billions of

GAO Report On Child Welfare: Pandemic Posed Challenges, but also Created Opportunities

A new GAO report: CHILD WELFARE Pandemic Posed Challenges, but also Created Opportunities for Agencies to Enhance Future Operations, includes the result of a survey of state and local child welfare agencies on the challenges of the past year. The challenges included child protective services, the legal system, providing support for families and workers in foster

House Moves Appropriations Bills Forward

The House of Representatives moved on two significant bills last week that included funding for 9 of the 12 appropriations bills. The first “minibus” appropriations rolled together seven bills, including the appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and Education (Labor-HHS), Agriculture, Energy and Water, Financial Services, Interior, Military Construction, and Transportation-Housing are rolled

House To Take Up “Minibus” Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations

The House is scheduled to take up a “minibus” appropriations for full debate and vote on the House floor. Called a minibus instead of an omnibus, the appropriations legislation rolls together seven bills, including the appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education (Labor-HHS). There are twelve appropriations bills, and the combining of

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