Protecting Youth & Families

Interstate Compact Bill Reintroduced

Senator Todd Young (R-IN) is reintroducing the Modernizing the Interstate Placement of Children in Foster Care Act.  Referred to by some as the NEICE bill, standing for the National Electronic Interstate Compact Enterprise project, the legislation was included in last year's Families First Act.  It would provide some small amount of funding to states to

Congressman Davis Introduces Bill on Teen Pregnancy and Foster Youth

On Thursday, May 25, Congressman Danny Davis (D-IL) introduced new legislation that attempts to develop and promote strategies to reduce the rate of teen and unplanned pregnancies within the foster care population. The legislation, which has been endorsed by CWLA, is called the Supporting Foster Youth in Successful Parenting Act of 2017, would direct states

Budget Cuts Funding for Evidence-Based Teen Pregnancy Reduction

The new Davis bill addressing an important need comes on the heels of an Administration budget that cuts a key program that promotes evidence-based teen pregnancy reduction programs. The budget includes the elimination of the evidence-based Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Program, currently funded at $101 million. Ginny Ehrlich, CEO of the National Campaign to Prevent

RAND Study Highlight Impact of Up-Front and Prevention Efforts

The Rand Corporation has come up with a new study of a model of care that they say can address both prevention and child welfare treatment.  It focuses on investments into three elements of this model: prevention of child maltreatment, family preservation and supported kinship care.  In turn this can reduce overall costs and the

House Moves Juvenile Justice Reauthorization

On Tuesday, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 1809, the Juvenile Justice Reform Act of 2017.  The bill was adopted on a voice vote reflecting the bipartisan sponsors that they can get a reauthorization done this year.  The bill was introduced by Congressman Jason Lewis (R-MN) and House Education and Workforce Ranking Member, Congressman Bobby

CBO Budget Score on Health Care Bill Wednesday

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO), will release their updated study of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) on Wednesday, May 24. Technically the House is still holding the bill pending the CBO before it is sent to the Senate.  There has been some wild speculation that the House may have to re-vote again if the

Groups In Support of SSBG Gear Up for Proposed Budget Cut

If you haven’t seen it before, a coalition group including CWLA has sent Capitol Hill a letter of support of SSBG that will serve as a reminder to Capitol Hill on the importance of SSBG if the Tuesday budget includes its elimination.  The letter includes more than 75 national organizations and organizations and agencies from

Immigration Statement

The Child Welfare League of America has joined onto a Five Principles to Guide Any Changes to Immigration Law, Policy or Procedure. Joining with other national, state and local organizations, the signatories agree that children require special care in any immigration legislation including legislation that may deal with increased enforcement.  The statement highlights 5 key

Subcommittee Looks at Disconnected Youth, Could Set Up Budget Cuts

On Wednesday, the House Subcommittee on Human Resources conducted an oversight hearing labeled, Opportunities for Youth and Young Adults to Break the Cycle of Poverty.  The hearing focused on private and non-profit strategies to move young people into the education and workforce systems.  Subcommittee Chair Adrian Smith (R-NE) said, “There is an alarming trend happening

Sexual Abuse Reporting Bill Moves Out of House Committee

One week after the Senate Judiciary Committee acted, the House Judiciary Committee acted on HR 1973 to address recent reports of sexual abuse of Olympic athletes.  The bill however differs from the Senate version which passed Committee on Thursday, May 11.  That bill the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse Act, S 534, endorsed by

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