Protecting Youth & Families

Respite Bill Reauthorization Introduced

A bill to reauthorize the Lifespan Respite Care Program at $15 million a year for five years has been reintroduced in the Senate and House.  The bill is being sponsored by Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) and Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WS) in the Senate and in the House by Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) and Congressman Greg

Full Budget Release May 23, What’s Next

The President is now expected to release his budget on May 23. That budget will outline the specifics of the significant cuts the President had proposed in his earlier this year.  It may also shine some light on other parts of the President’s proposals including his tax cut package, changes regarding government reorganization and government

Home Visiting Coalition Seeking National, State and Local Sign-Ons

The Home Visiting Coalition, which CWLA belongs to, is circulating a sign-on letter to congressional leaders urging Congress to act quickly to reauthorize the Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program for a period of five (5) years with a doubling of funding from $400 million annually to $800 million annually. The Coalition

Senate Plans For Moving Health Care

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO), will release their updated study of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) the week of May 22. CBO normally would score a bill before the House had voted on it but leadership in the House was in a rush to get a final vote once they had enough to pass

Family First Act Discussions Continue

The future of the Family First Prevention Services Act remains unclear. The House bill was re-introduced at the start of this Congress as a placeholder for future House action with House members waiting to see what the Senate can agree to. The Congress does have to re-authorize the two Title IV-B programs, Child Welfare Services

Sexual Abuse Reporting Bill Moves Out of Committee

On Thursday, May 11, the Senate Judiciary passed the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse Act, S 534.  The legislation, endorsed by CWLA, would require mandated reporting of child abuse by amateur athletic governing bodies.  The legislation is an outgrowth of reports of sexual abuse of some past members of the USA Olympic Gymnastics teams.

President’s EO Religious on Placement Discrimination Held Back Again

The President issued an executive order last Thursday that was intended to address the goals of his more conservative religious base by providing greater “religious freedom,” but after earlier initial reports, he did not include language that would allow for discrimination in the placement of children in foster and adoptive homes. A draft that had

Senators Re-Introduce the Connect Act

  Senator Gary Peters (D-MI) and Charles Grassley (R-IA) have reintroducing a bill that is intended to help states identify children who come into contact with both the child welfare and juvenile justice systems (dual status children and youth). The Childhood Outcomes Need New Efficient Community Teams or CONNECT Act would authorize competitive grants to

Domestic Violence and Impact on Health and Well Being

On Tuesday May 2, there was a Capitol Hill briefing, Public Health Crisis: Solutions to Violence and Abuse focused on the impact of domestic violence over a lifetime. The briefing was cohosted by the National Health Collaborative on Violence and Abuse and Futures Without Violence. Speakers included representatives from the Centers on Disease Control and

Administration Pushes House on ACA Repeal Vote

The House of Representatives is once again attempting another effort to repeal the ACA. The effort is a result of the White House push to try and get a vote before the President had reached the informal judgement date of 100 days in office. The vote could still take place this week if Speaker Paul

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