Protecting Youth & Families

Social Services Block Grant

Sign your state and national organization onto a letter in support of preserving the Social Services Block Grant by February 17th!  The Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) which provides critical protection and supports to children, youth, older adults, and people with disabilities, is expected to be a prime target for elimination in the 2017 Congress. Unlike other

CWLA Continues Vigilance on E.O. for Discrimination in Placement  

As reported last week the Trump Administration is considering an executive order that will “respect religious freedom” and could be so broad that it will allow the discrimination in the placement of children in adoptive, foster and kinship placements. It would extend these provisions beyond religious or faith based agencies to “any organization” including for-profit

GAO Reviews State Efforts on Psychotropic Medication Use For Foster Children

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has released a new report on foster care and oversight of prescription drug medication. The report, HHS Has Taken Steps to Support States’ Oversight of Psychotropic Medications, but Additional Assistance Could Further Collaboration, as the title suggests indicates more needs to be done in terms of the overuse and prescribing

Presidential Order Could Allow Discrimination in Placement of Children

The Trump Administration may be getting ready to issue an executive order that will “respect religious freedom” and could be so broad that it will allow the discrimination in the placement of children in adoptive, foster and kinship placements. It would extend these provisions beyond religious or faith based agencies to “any organization” including for-profit

House Committee Begins Hearings on ACA Repeal or Repair?

The House Committee on Education and the Workforce held a hearing on the Affordable Care Act last Wednesday.  The focus of the hearing was titled, “Rescuing Americans from the Failed Health Care Law and Advancing Patient-Centered Solutions."  It featured the testimony of long-time universal health care reform opponents, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB). 

Shifting Timelines for ACA Repeal

The Affordable Care Act was the hot topic at the Republicans retreat this past week. And while Senate and House Republicans were looking for more specificity and clarity from the Administration they didn't get it when the President Trump spoke to them last Thursday.  Instead there were reports through the Washington Post and other publications

Medicaid Update

Medicaid came up during the Senate Finance Committee hearing for the appointment of Congressman Tom Price (R-GA) to be the next Secretary of Health and Human Services. In the questioning, he defended the proposals that have been offered to convert Medicaid into a block grant but he never committed to supporting one.  When pressed by

DACA Not on Table in President’s First Actions on Immigration

Last week President Trump began to address some of his immigration priorities through several executive orders.  So far he has not taken action on DACA or the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. The executive orders can only go so far before Congress’s approval is needed to change laws but one of the powers the President

Congressional Budget Office Calculates Impact of ACA Repeal

On Tuesday, CBO released, How Repealing Portions of the Affordable Care Act Would Affect Health Insurance Coverage and Premiums. A report that suggested a dramatic impact on people if the law is repealed without a replacement. On Friday, as one of his first acts, President Trump signed a broad executive order directing all federal agencies

HHS Releases Latest Child Abuse Report

On Thursday, January 19, HHS released the 2015 Child Maltreatment Report.  In Fiscal Year 2015, approximately 683,000 children were victims of abuse and neglect.  Comparing the national estimate of victims from 2011 (658,000) to the rounded number of reported victims in 2015 (683,000) shows an increase of 3.8 percent. The change in victim counts from

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