Protecting Youth & Families

Home Visiting Briefing Looks Toward Next Reauthorization

On Wednesday, November 2 there was a Capitol Hill briefing on the home visiting program, MIECHV (Maternal Infant Early Childhood Home Visiting). The target audience included Capitol Hill staff from both houses and both parties.  The goal of the briefing was an early education of congressional staff on the program and how it works. The

Paper Outlines Need to Fix Medicaid Access for Youth Formerly in Foster Care

  The National Center for Children in Poverty has released a new policy paper on the status of Medicaid access for young people formerly in foster care.  The paper, FOSTERING HEALTH: The Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, and Youth Transitioning from Foster Care, describes the impact of a provision in the ACA that requires that youth

Hear It Now: A Fateful Turn on Child Care

Recently National Public Radio (NPR) ran a report on a fateful turn in the history of this nation’s child care system dating back to the early 1970s.  The story outlines how close we came to a universal child care system.  Close enough for a Democratic Congress to pass in 1971 a system of care that

Massachusetts Tracks Increased Substance Abuse in Child Abuse Reports

Massachusetts has reported some new and detailed information on the impact of substance abuse on child abuse reports.  The data, reported recently by the Boston Herald indicates that within a six month period substance abuse was a factor in 14,000 cases, or 30 percent, of the 47,700 total reports of abuse and neglect the state

Poverty Group Announced

CWLA has joined with a number of groups including First Focus in forming a new Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG).  The coalition website states, “One of the biggest challenges facing our nation today is the persistently high number of children living in poverty. Nearly 1 in 5 children are living in families with incomes below

CWLA Asks OMB to Include Funding for Key Child Maltreatment Issues

Last week CWLA called on the Office of Management and Budget to include new funds in the 2018 budget to better address key child maltreatment strategies. The preparation of the 2018 budget is a placeholder for the new administration.  The new President will be sworn in on January 20 and as a result the 2018

Advocates Seek Greater Budget Help on Child Trafficking

In regard to letters to OMB, CWLA has signed onto a letter by the Alliance to End Slavery and Trafficking (ATEST) in support of increased funding to address trafficking including prevention and treatment.  The lengthy request covers a range of programs across the departments including the Victim Services Grants & Human Trafficking Task Forces, Minor

President Recognizes National Youth Justice Awareness Month  

The President has issued a proclamation recognizing the month of October as National Youth Justice Awareness Month. In the proclamation the President focuses much of his words on the juvenile justice system and the need for reforms.  He also calls on Congress to reauthorize the Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) and highlights his support

Families First Act, Now What?

There was no vote on the Family First Prevention Services Act, (HR 5456, Conference Report 114-628) as Congress finished a budget deal last week Wednesday.  As a result, the bill still remains in the same place.  That means that it could be finished or dead for this Congress.  There could be one more run at

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