Protecting Youth & Families

Murray Weighs-In On GAO, Calls on Ed to Respond

After the GAO report was released Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), the ranking member on HELP Committee, sent a letter urging the Department of Education to address obstacles unaccompanied homeless students face in applying for and receiving financial aid. The Senator asked the Department to exclude burdensome parental information requirements and to clarify the definition of

White House Hosts Hackathon

On Thursday, May 26, the White House capped off May as National Foster Care Month with a two-day “White House and Foster Care and Technology Hackathon.” The event sought to bring together child welfare leaders, organizations, families and foster alumni into a meeting with engineers and leaders from the technology sector. As part of the

GAO Report Highlights Ed Problems For Foster Homeless Youth

The resource kit released by the Education Department follows a report by the GAO earlier this month, Actions Needed to Improve Access to Federal Financial Assistance for Homeless and Foster Youth (GAO-16-343: May 19, 2016) that program rules can make it more difficult for unaccompanied homeless youth (those not in the physical custody of a

Successful Youth Transition Focus of Briefing

On Monday, May 23 as part of the ongoing efforts to talk about foster care for Foster Care Month, Youth Villages and the American Youth Policy Forum sponsored a briefing, Scaling Up active practices for youth transitioning out of foster care". UVLifeSet is a program started originally 1999 by Youth Villages. The goal of the

Panels Discuss Predictive Analytics In Child Protection and Child Welfare

On Thursday, May 17 the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) focused on, Preventing Harm to Children through Predictive Analytics.  A somewhat formal definition of predictive analytics would define it as a practice of taking data and the information gathered from that data to determine patterns and predict outcomes and trends.  It predicts or forecasts what might

Senators Examine Child Welfare-Juvenile Justice Link

On Tuesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee, as part of National Foster Care Month held a hearing, Supporting Youth in the Foster Care and Juvenile Justice Systems. In opening the hearing Chairman Charles Grassley (R-IA) said that he hoped the hearing would result in some new information and strategies to better coordinate services between the child

Mathmatica Hold Panel Discussion on Evidence

On Wednesday, May 17, Mathematica, a policy research think tank, hosted a National Foster Care Month briefing, Welfare Through Prevention: An Evidence-Based Perspective. The presentation including remarks by Kimberly Boller, Mathematica, Matthew Stagner, Mathematica, Becky Shipp, (Senator Orrin Hatch, R-UT), and Laura Berntsen, (Senator Ron Wyden, D-OR). Much of the discussion focused on the draft

House Subcommittee Discusses Substance Use and Evidence

On Wednesday, May 17 the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Human Resources held their own hearing on the substance-abuse issue and the relationship to child welfare.  It follows last week’s Senate Finance Committee hearing on the use of evidence-based services and its relationship to child welfare. In his opening statement, the Chairman, Congressman Vern

House Passes Negotiated CAPTA Safe Care, Senate Next

On Wednesday, May 11, the House of Representatives passed the Infant Plan of Safe Care Improvement Act, H.R. 4843, by a vote of 421 to zero. Late last year a Reuters investigation examined the care for infants born to parents struggling with opioid and heroin addiction. It caught the attention of Congress especially the parts

Briefing With Dr Phil Becomes Hearing On Better Drug Treatment Strategy

Thursday a Capitol Hill briefing featuring Dr. Phil McGraw became more like a Capitol Hill hearing as he discussed the heroin/opioid use epidemic and its impact on the child welfare. The briefing sponsored by the House Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth, co-chaired by Congressperson Karen Bass (D-CA) and Congressman Tom Marino (R-PA), was open to

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