Protecting Youth & Families

May Is National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month

May is National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month. In recognition of that, last Wednesday, May 4, the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancies highlighted that day as National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. The special focus will continue for the rest of this month and of course coincides with the month as National Foster

Third Briefing Continues Focus on Substance Use

The Senate Caucus on Foster Youth held the third of its Congressional Briefing Series, Part Three: Promising Solutions for the Future: What Can Be Done to Meet Child and Family Substance Abuse and Mental Health Needs? Panelists included Nancy Young, Children and Families Futures, Mark Casas, student and former foster youth, Tianna Van Tassel, Bridges

Runaway And Homeless Youth Program Supporters Hopeful

On Wednesday May 4, the National Network for Youth and the True Colors Fund sponsored a Capitol Hill briefing in support of a reauthorization of the Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Act. The panel of speakers included Darla Bardine, Executive Director, National Network for Youth, Dr. Resa Matthew, Family and Youth Services Bureau,

Senators Ask HHS, Education Departments Help on Foster Care Education

Last week a bipartisan group of Senators joined onto a letter to HHS and the Department of Education calling on the two departments to implement new provisions in the new reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) regarding the education rights of children in foster care. The senators, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), the

President Proclaims National Foster Care Month

On April 28, the President signed a proclamation recognizing May as national foster care month. The President said in his proclamation: “The success of our country tomorrow depends on the well-being of our children today. As a Nation, we have a duty to empower each child so they have the same sense of promise and

Education and the Workforce Takes Up CAPTA Legislation

On Thursday, April 28, the House Committee on Education and the Workforce approved HR 4843, a bill to amend requirements around the “safe care” plans as described in the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA).  The Infant Plan of Safe Care Improvement Act was introduced by Reps. Lou Barletta (R-PA) and Katherine Clark (D-MA) and

CWLA Members Discuss Commission On Child Fatalities Findings

On Monday, April 18, CWLA members focused on the National Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities.  Dr. David Sanders Ph.D., Chairman of the Commission, Executive Vice President, Casey Family Programs, presented some of the key findings and recommendations of the recently-released commission report.  After Dr Sanders’ power-point presentation, discussion began with panel comments

The Child Welfare Workforce

During the Capitol Hill Day, while CWLA members handed out Hot Topics on key policy issues, members could also break to attend a briefing that focused on the significance of the child welfare workforce. CWLA was focusing Capitol Hill attention on the significance of the workforce in advancing the many outcomes within child welfare and

CWLA Members Discuss Substance Use With Hill, States and Programs

After the Tuesday evening dinner with Commissioner Lopez and reporter Christopher Walker, on Wednesday, April 20, CWLA members wrapped-up with a morning session focused on the substance use issue. With Congress continuing its focus on the prescription drug and opioids addiction issue (see following story) and a number of bills introduced in various committees including

Senate, House Begin Appropriations Process

Without any official announcement both the House of Representatives and Senate have begun the appropriation process despite not passing a budget resolution.  A budget resolution would have streamlined some of the appropriations process and aligned what the Senate and House do as far as spending allocations between the twelve appropriations bills.  Because of last year’s

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