Race, Culture & Identity

More Report of Immigrant Abuse By Homeland Security

On Wednesday, September 16, 2020, several publications printed reports of immigrant detainee abuse at Homeland Security facilities including the possibility of unapproved hysterectomies on women being held at the facility. The reports and recent court actions highlight the difficulty many immigrant families are facing during the pandemic. Immigrants with proper documentation and status are being

Growing Up Poor in America

A new Frontline documentary, Growing Up Poor in America, depicts three children and their families’ stories as they navigate poverty during the coronavirus pandemic.     The COVID-19 pandemic has not been friendly to American families who have struggled in the past to make ends meet. With schools shutting down across the nation, parents had to be

Appeals Court Says Trump Administration Can Terminate Immigrant TPS

On Monday, September 14, 2020, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled by a 2-1 margin in favor of the Trump Administration to strip legal immigration status from some 400,000 people, rendering them deportable if they do not voluntarily leave the country.   The ruling deals specifically with Temporary Protected Status

House Ways and Means Staff Report on Placement Discrimination Released

Last month, on Wednesday, August 19, 2020, the House Ways and Means Committee Democrats released a report led by Worker and Family Support Subcommittee Chairman Danny K. Davis (D-IL) and Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight, the late John Lewis (D-GA) on the issue of discrimination in placement decisions for foster care and adoption. The

The Child Welfare Emergency Assistance Act

CWLA continues to support the Child Welfare Emergency Assistance Act (Brown), S4172, which now has 15 cosponsors, including 7 Senators from the Senate Finance Committee. On Thursday, July 2, 2020, Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) introduced the Child Welfare Emergency Assistance Act. The bill’s original cosponsors include Senators Kamala Harris (D-CA), Bob Casey (D-PA), Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV).

No Movement on Next COVID-19 Relief

The Saturday, August 8, 2020, presidential executive orders may have delayed further negotiations since there have been no discussions on Capitol Hill with White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows reportedly out of town. Despite the President’s directives, they may not have been as far-reaching as some had hoped. The executive order on rental protection orders the

Senate COVID-19 Bill Includes Limited Child Welfare Funds

While the Senate COVID-19 bill provides minimal state supplements, it does provide some funding through the Senate Finance Committee bill and the Senate Appropriations bill for limited child welfare programs. Funding includes an appropriation of $75 million through the Child Welfare Services (Title IV-B part 1),$50 million for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevent (CB-CAP) funds and $65 million for Family

Judge Blocks Public Charge Restrictions Due to Pandemic

On Wednesday, July 29, 2020, New York U.S. District Judge George Daniels blocked the Trump Administration's new "public charge" immigration restriction. The Judge's ruling was based on how the Administration's new rule prevents some immigrants access to critical COVID-19 services.   Public charge is a test applied to immigrants who the government believes will rely

Trump Administration Rejects Requests Under DACA

On Tuesday, July 28, 2020, the Trump Administration announced a plan to limit the use of DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. Faced with a rejection by the U.S. Supreme Court to end the program, they are now attempting to restrict it. The Tuesday announcement said they would reject any new applicants and limit

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