Race, Culture & Identity

Senate HELP Committee Adopts CAPTA-Adoption Opportunities Reauthorizations

On Thursday, December 12, the Senate HELP Committee approved the reauthorizations of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) (S. 2971) and the Adoption Opportunities Act (S. 2969) by voice vote. Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-TN) remarked that today, the Senate HELP Committee approval of legislation would help states prevent child abuse and ensure the

Making Children A National Priority Platform

Last month, CWLA released the 2020 Presidential candidates platform, Making Children a National Priority, highlighting plans that focused on children and their families. Only two candidates, Julian Castro and Senator Kamala Harris, provided recommendations on foster care. Castro’s Children First Plan for Foster Families is comprehensive reform efforts addressing the full continuum of care. Majority

Making Children A National Priority Platform

Last month, CWLA released the 2020 Presidential candidates platform, Making Children a National Priority, highlighting plans that focused on children and their families. Only two candidates, Julian Castro and Senator Kamala Harris, provided recommendations on foster care. Castro’s Children First Plan for Foster Families is comprehensive reform efforts addressing the full continuum of care. Majority

A National Crisis: Black Maternal and Infant Mortality

On Tuesday, November 19, Congresswoman Lauren Underwood (D-IL) and Congresswoman Alma S. Adams (D-NC), co-chairs of the Black Maternal Health Caucus, partnered with March of Dimes and First Focus to bring attention to the significant maternal health crisis happening in America today. “Mothers in our country are more likely to die giving birth than in

Administration Publishes Rule Change on Discrimination in Use of HHS Funds

Following up on a Friday, November 1, press announcement, on Tuesday, November 19, HHS published both their notice of non-enforcement of anti-discrimination provisions implemented during the Obama Administration and a notice of proposed rulemaking regarding the Obama nondiscrimination regulation regarding federal funding under HHS programs including child welfare funding under Title IV-E and Title IV-E.

Native Youth Count

November is Native American Heritage Month in which the country recognizes the significant contributions the first Americans made to the establishment and growth of this nation. In honor of Native American Heritage Month, the Center for Native American Youth (CNAY) released the annual 2019 State of Native Youth Report: Native Youth Count and hosted an

Supreme Court Hears DACA

On Tuesday, November 13, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on whether the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) should be upheld. Some Supreme Court observers were guessing that the Court may be leaning toward supporting the Trump Administration’s efforts to shut down the program. It can be difficult to judge how the Court will

Vice President Pence Delivers National Adoption Month Celebration Speech

On Tuesday, November 12, Vice President Mike Pence delivered remarks at the 2019 HHS National Adoption Month Celebration. He exclaimed that the Trump Administration is the most pro-adoption (and pro-life) Administration in American history and that today’s celebration is for the many families that have opened their hearts and homes to forever families. The 2019

Public Charge Final Rule Change Fact Sheet

The Center on Immigration and Child Welfare (CICW) released a fact sheet on the public charge rule that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued on August 14, 2019, that would change the definition of “public charge.” The Administration’s rule would expand the definition of “public charge” as it applies to immigrants legally seeking to

Administration Drops Enforcement of Nondiscrimination Protections in Foster Care/Adoption

On Friday, November 1, HHS announced a “notice of exercise of enforcement discretion” along with an unpublished notice of proposed rulemaking to say that they would not enforce nondiscrimination rules or regulations except those specifically passed in law or ruled on by the Supreme Court. In effect, they won’t enforce the Obama era nondiscrimination rules

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